Oxygen (O)

Atomic number: 8
Atomic weight: 15.9994
Average concentration in ocean: O2 - 175 µmol/kg 
Residence time: yrs

Distribution in ocean
The vertical profile of dissolved O2 concentration is high at the surface and it reaches a mid-depth minimum (data).  Dissolved O2 is present at the sea surface in concentrations that are near equilibrium with the atmosphere.  It may be produced by photosynthesis in the euphotic zone and it is consumed at depth as organisms respire organic carbon that sinks from the surface.  The O2 minimum occurs because more organic carbon is respired near the surface than at great depths.  Because surface concentrations are near equilibrium with the atmosphere, we can estimate the amount of O2 that has been consumed (or produced near the surface) due to respiration as the difference between the saturation concentration and the observed concentration.  This quantity is termed the Apparent Oxygen Utilization (AOU).  AOU increases as deep seawater circulates from its sources in the Atlantic to the Pacific.

When the oxygen is strongly depleted, then bacteria may use other oxidized compounds such as NO3-, SO42-, MnO2 and Fe2O3 as terminal electron acceptors in the oxidation of organic carbon.

Molecular oxygen is present in seawater as O2

Oxygen is determined most precisely by a Winkler titration in which oxygen reacts with I- to produce I2 and the amount of I2 is determined with thiosulfate.  Oxygen can also be determined in situ with an oxygen electrode.  

References & Notes