
Radium profile data
decay rate 8.13072E-10 /min
Pacific Ocean 29° 59' N, 159° 53' W - Stn 212 Atlantic Ocean 51° 01' N, 42° 30' W
Depth (m) 226Ra (fmol/kg) dpm/100kg Depth (m) 226Ra (fmol/kg) dpm/100kg
10 0.13 6.5 20 0.17 8.3
60 0.12 5.8 150 0.17 8.5
120 0.13 6.5 220 0.17 8.2
190 0.16 7.6 300 0.16 7.6
260 0.17 8.3 400 0.16 8
426 0.20 9.9 493 0.17 8.3
595 0.27 13.2 593 0.21 10.5
771 0.32 15.7 693 0.24 11.7
956 0.38 18.6 793 0.22 10.9
1192 0.48 23.3 892 0.27 13.3
1391 0.48 23.4 992 0.27 13.4
1590 0.54 26.6 1189 0.30 14.9
1790 0.55 27.0 1386 0.32 15.7
2090 0.58 28.5 1783 0.31 15.3
2442 0.61 30.1 2181 0.30 14.7
2841 0.64 31.3 2584 0.25 12.4
3241 0.68 33.3 3167 0.28 13.8
3640 0.69 33.7 3464 0.33 16.4
4039 0.76 37.0 3762 0.39 18.9
4438 0.76 37.1 3961 0.47 22.9
4836 0.78 38.1 4159 0.46 22.6
5238 0.80 39.3 4368 0.47 23.1
5638 0.78 38.2
Chung, Y., and Craig, H., 1980.  226-Ra in the Pacific Ocean.
Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 49: 267-292.
Broecker, W. S., Goddard, J., and Sarmiento, J. L., 1976.  The distribution of 226Ra
in the Atlantic Ocean.  Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 32: 220-235.