Atomic number: | 15 |
Atomic weight: | 30.9737 |
Average concentration in ocean: | 2.0 µmol/kg |
Residence time: | 69,000 yrs |
Dissolved P is present in seawater primarily as HPO42- and
H2PO4-, which are base ions of orthophosphoric
acid (H3PO4). The sum of these ions are typically
called phosphate.
Residence time
The phosphorus residence time is from Tracers in the Sea (Broecker, W. S. and
Peng, T.-H., 1982. Eldigo Press, Palisades, NY). It was calculated
from the global average river input.
Phosphate is determined colorimetrically by forming a blue colored reduced,
phosphomolybdate complex.
References & Notes