Hydrogen (H)

Atomic number: 1
Atomic weight: 1.00794
Average concentration in ocean: 12 nmol/kg
Residence time:  

Distribution in ocean
Hydrogen ion  concentrations, often expressed as pH = -log10 (H+), are controlled by respiration and photosynthsis, which alter the carbonic acid concentration in seawater (data).  There is a strong correlation between oxygen and pH, therefore.

The major form of hydrogen, other than in water, is H+ ion and its complexes with sulfate (HSO4-) and fluoride (HF0).  Trace amounts of hydrogen gas H2 may also be generated.

Hydrogen ion is classically determined with a glass pH electrode.  Recent work has shown that hydrogen ion concentrations can be determined with much greater accuracy in seawater using colorimetry with acid-base indicators.
