Fe profile data
Pacific Ocean 50.0oN, 145.0oW Atlantic Ocean 47oN, 20oW
Depth (m) Fe (nM) Depth (m) Fe (nM)
20 0.05 20 0.08
50 0.06 40 0.19
100 0.1 75 0.23
150 0.21 100 0.17
200 0.33 150 0.26
250 0.37 300 0.25
290 0.47 400 0.29
390 0.52 500 0.28
485 0.62 600 0.34
580 0.63 800 0.56
685 0.64 900 0.53
780 0.64 950 0.55
875 0.7 2000 0.53
975 0.69 2500 0.59
1230 0.68 2900 0.64
1480 0.66
1720 0.68
2180 0.66
2960 0.64
3470 0.62
3910 0.64
Martin, J. H., Gordon, R. M., Fitzwater, S. and Broenkow, W. W. 1989. VERTEX:
phytoplankton/iron studies in the Gulf of Alaska. Deep-Sea Res., 36: 649-680.
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Iron, primary production, and carbon-nitrogen flux studies during the JGOFS North Atlantic
bloom experiment. Deep-Sea Res., 40:115-134.