Ocean Soundscape Overview Team Projects Publications Latest News Technologies Data Our team explores wonders of ocean life that are uniquely accessible through sound.Sound travels powerfully through the sea, over much greater distances than light. This aspect of nature has been integrated by evolution into the lives of animals that use sound in their essential life activities — communicating, foraging, reproducing, socializing, and navigating a vast and largely dark world. Sound recordings capture the signatures of these life activities, thereby revealing animal presence and behavior. Together with environmental observations, sound recordings open a window into the complex and wonderful ecology of diverse species.Exploration of the ocean soundscape is also essential to stewardship. Because many ocean animals rely on sound for life, noise from human activities can be detrimental. The protection of acoustic habitat is an emerging dimension of ocean health, and it requires understanding the nature and severity of noise pollution. The same recordings that reveal the wonders of ocean life also reveal the anthropogenic noise imprint, as a foundation for informing management and mitigation. Sound analysis can also inform protection of endangered species, like blue whales, that face risks from collision with large ships along the pathways of their movement as they forage and migrate.Toward enabling human connection to ocean life, this project develops open-source public exhibits that allow people to hear, see, and feel the ocean soundscape. Team Directory John Ryan Senior Research Specialist Principal Investigator Danelle E. Cline Senior Software Engineer Principal Engineer Kelly Benoit-Bird Senior Scientist & Science Chair Knute Brekke ROV/MARS Manager Mike Conway Senior Marine Operations Engineer Jared Figurski Senior Observatory Engineer Kevin Gomes Information Engineering Group Lead Brent Jones Electrical Engineer George I. Matsumoto Senior Education & Research Specialist Paul McGill Senior Electrical Engineer William Oestreich Postdoctoral Fellow Carlos A. Rueda Senior Software Engineer Bryan Touryan-Schaefer Senior Marine Operations Engineer Todd Walsh Audio Video Specialist Chad Waluk Senior Research Specialist Yanwu Zhang Senior Research Engineer Projects All Projects Baleen Whale Behavioral Ecology Project Baleen Whale Behavioral Ecology Integrating passive acoustic monitoring of baleen whales with other methods of observing whales, their environment, and their prey. Blue Whale Observatory Project Blue Whale Observatory Exploring the behavioral ecology of Earth’s largest animal species—the blue whale—and the krill that sustain them. Ocean Noise Project Ocean Noise Anthropogenic noise can have far reaching effects on the health of marine life. This project examines anthropogenic noise in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Open Acoustic Data Project Open Acoustic Data Enabling global open access to MBARI’s passive acoustic monitoring data and associated analysis tools, through a partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS). Public Exhibits Project Public Exhibits Enriching public education about the ocean soundscape through resident and mobile exhibit deployment. Soundscape Listening Room Project Soundscape Listening Room Access a live stream and a library of sounds recorded using a hydrophone (underwater microphone) off the Central California coast. Publications All Publications Ryan, J. P., W. K. Oestreich, K. J. Benoit-Bird, C. M. Waluk, C. A. Rueda, D. E. Cline, Y. Zhang, T. Cheeseman, J. Calambokidis, J. A. Fahlbusch, J. Barkowski, A. H. Fleming, C. N. Turner Tomaszewicz, J. A. Santora, T. Margolina, J. E. Joseph, A. S. Friedlaender, and J. A. Goldbogen. 2025. Audible changes in marine trophic ecology: Baleen whale song tracks foraging conditions in the eastern North Pacific. PLOS ONE, 20(2). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0318624 Oestreich, W. K., R. Y. Oliver, M. S. Chapman, M. C. Go, and M. F. McKenna. 2024. Listening to animal behavior to understand changing ecosystems. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 39(10):961-973. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2024.06.007 Oestreich, W.K., K.J. Benoit-Bird, B. Abrahms, T. Margolina, J.E. Joseph, Y. Zhang, C.A. Rueda, and J.P. Ryan. 2024. Evidence for seasonal migration by a cryptic top predator of the deep sea. Movement Ecology, 12(65):1-14. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40462-024-00500-x Barlow, D.R., K.C. Bierlich, W.K. Oestreich, G. Chiang, J.W. Durban, J.A. Goldbogen, D.W. Johnston, M.S. Leslie, M.J. Moore, J.P. Ryan, L.G. Torres. 2023. Shaped by their environment: Variation in blue whale morphology across three productive coastal ecosystems. Integrative Organismal Biology, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.1093/iob/obad039 Pearson, E.J., W.K. Oestreich, J.P. Ryan, S.M. Haver, J. Gedamke, R.P. Dziak, and C.C. Wall. 2023. Widespread passive acoustic monitoring reveals spatio-temporal patterns of blue and fin whale song vocalizations in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 4: 1–13. https://doi.org/10.3389/frsen.2023.994518 Latest News All News News New robotic technology lab expands MBARI’s capacity for ocean exploration and technology innovation News 03.12.25 News A tale of two whales: Songs reveal levels of resilience among whales News 02.26.25 News Sound provides new information about the secret lives of sperm whales News 09.24.24 News MBARI and Grace Cathedral partner on sound bath showcasing the ocean soundscape Behind the Scenes 04.20.23 News Sound reveals giant blue whales dance with the wind to find food Press Release 10.05.22 News Sound provides new insight into the lives of blue whales News 02.17.22 Technologies All Technologies Vehicle, Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) ROV Ventana Technology ROV Ventana A remotely operated vehicle equipped with a Sea-Bird 19plus V2 CTD package including a dissolved oxygen sensor, transmissometer, and spatial lasers mounted on the main camera. Observatory, Cabled Observatory Monterey Accelerated Research System (MARS) Technology Monterey Accelerated Research System (MARS) MARS provides electrical power and data connections for new research instruments in the deep-sea. Instrument Directional Hydrophone Technology Directional Hydrophone The Directional Hydrophone samples sound at a much lower rate than the MARS omnidirectional hydrophone of the Ocean Soundscape Project. Data All Data Data Passive Acoustic Data MBARI makes its acoustic data sets available through a partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS). Data Soundscape Visual Browser MBARI's audio recordings have been translated into visual representations as spectrograms, which can be viewed hour-by-hour, day-by-day
Baleen Whale Behavioral Ecology Project Baleen Whale Behavioral Ecology Integrating passive acoustic monitoring of baleen whales with other methods of observing whales, their environment, and their prey.
Blue Whale Observatory Project Blue Whale Observatory Exploring the behavioral ecology of Earth’s largest animal species—the blue whale—and the krill that sustain them.
Ocean Noise Project Ocean Noise Anthropogenic noise can have far reaching effects on the health of marine life. This project examines anthropogenic noise in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.
Open Acoustic Data Project Open Acoustic Data Enabling global open access to MBARI’s passive acoustic monitoring data and associated analysis tools, through a partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Public Exhibits Project Public Exhibits Enriching public education about the ocean soundscape through resident and mobile exhibit deployment.
Soundscape Listening Room Project Soundscape Listening Room Access a live stream and a library of sounds recorded using a hydrophone (underwater microphone) off the Central California coast.
Ryan, J. P., W. K. Oestreich, K. J. Benoit-Bird, C. M. Waluk, C. A. Rueda, D. E. Cline, Y. Zhang, T. Cheeseman, J. Calambokidis, J. A. Fahlbusch, J. Barkowski, A. H. Fleming, C. N. Turner Tomaszewicz, J. A. Santora, T. Margolina, J. E. Joseph, A. S. Friedlaender, and J. A. Goldbogen. 2025. Audible changes in marine trophic ecology: Baleen whale song tracks foraging conditions in the eastern North Pacific. PLOS ONE, 20(2). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0318624
Oestreich, W. K., R. Y. Oliver, M. S. Chapman, M. C. Go, and M. F. McKenna. 2024. Listening to animal behavior to understand changing ecosystems. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 39(10):961-973. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2024.06.007
Oestreich, W.K., K.J. Benoit-Bird, B. Abrahms, T. Margolina, J.E. Joseph, Y. Zhang, C.A. Rueda, and J.P. Ryan. 2024. Evidence for seasonal migration by a cryptic top predator of the deep sea. Movement Ecology, 12(65):1-14. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40462-024-00500-x
Barlow, D.R., K.C. Bierlich, W.K. Oestreich, G. Chiang, J.W. Durban, J.A. Goldbogen, D.W. Johnston, M.S. Leslie, M.J. Moore, J.P. Ryan, L.G. Torres. 2023. Shaped by their environment: Variation in blue whale morphology across three productive coastal ecosystems. Integrative Organismal Biology, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.1093/iob/obad039
Pearson, E.J., W.K. Oestreich, J.P. Ryan, S.M. Haver, J. Gedamke, R.P. Dziak, and C.C. Wall. 2023. Widespread passive acoustic monitoring reveals spatio-temporal patterns of blue and fin whale song vocalizations in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Frontiers in Remote Sensing, 4: 1–13. https://doi.org/10.3389/frsen.2023.994518
News New robotic technology lab expands MBARI’s capacity for ocean exploration and technology innovation News 03.12.25
News MBARI and Grace Cathedral partner on sound bath showcasing the ocean soundscape Behind the Scenes 04.20.23
Vehicle, Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) ROV Ventana Technology ROV Ventana A remotely operated vehicle equipped with a Sea-Bird 19plus V2 CTD package including a dissolved oxygen sensor, transmissometer, and spatial lasers mounted on the main camera.
Observatory, Cabled Observatory Monterey Accelerated Research System (MARS) Technology Monterey Accelerated Research System (MARS) MARS provides electrical power and data connections for new research instruments in the deep-sea.
Instrument Directional Hydrophone Technology Directional Hydrophone The Directional Hydrophone samples sound at a much lower rate than the MARS omnidirectional hydrophone of the Ocean Soundscape Project.
Data Passive Acoustic Data MBARI makes its acoustic data sets available through a partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Data Soundscape Visual Browser MBARI's audio recordings have been translated into visual representations as spectrograms, which can be viewed hour-by-hour, day-by-day