Understanding the Effects of a Changing Ocean OverviewTeamLatest NewsTechnologiesData A trio of changes in ocean conditions coupled to climate change, ocean warming, ocean acidification, and declining oxygen levels in deep waters, are affecting marine organisms from the surface to the seafloor. Although action to reduce fossil fuel emissions has increased, emissions are rising and atmospheric CO2 levels are far beyond the range of variation known to occur for millions of years. Climate-related changes occur first in surface waters, and then slowly penetrate to deep ocean depths, where animals may already be ‘living on the edge’ due to cold, low oxygen conditions, and limited food availability. We are using field and laboratory studies to assess the response of marine animals to changes in ocean conditions linked to climate change, particularly ocean warming, ocean acidification, and declining oxygen levels in deep ocean waters. Upwelling system simulator To assess species responses to ocean change, we perform experiments exposing animals to expected future conditions. In the laboratory, we’ve developed an “Upwelling Simulator” that controls the temperature, oxygen levels, and acidity of waters fed to experimental aquaria. We can mimic the sort of environmental variation that nearshore animals off California experience naturally, and under more severe future conditions, and measure how it affects the reproduction, growth, and survival of organisms (e.g., black abalone). For our deep-sea studies, we are using a robotic metabolism study system (Benthic respiration system – BRS) to measure the metabolism of deep-sea animals (snails, corals, urchins). We deploy the BRS over the side of the ship and it sinks to the seabed where we use a remotely operated vehicle to place individual organisms in up to eight small metabolic chambers that measure rates of oxygen consumption under current deep-sea conditions. Waters simulating future conditions (e.g., lower oxygen, more acidic) are then injected into chambers to detect species’ responses to ocean change. Together, these laboratory and field studies will advance our understanding of the sensitivities of key marine organisms to changing ocean conditions. Read More Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Team Directory James Barry Senior Scientist & Benthic Ecologist Principal Investigator Steve Litvin Senior Research Specialist Chris Lovera Research Specialist Sebastian Sudek Senior Research Specialist Publications All Publications Sorry, no results were found. Latest News All News News Deep-sea fish communities affected by oxygen and temperature News 03.06.20 News Climate change: A triple threat for the ocean News 09.25.19 News Learning how to restore deep-sea coral communities News 09.18.19 Technologies All Technologies Instrument Benthic Respirometer System (BRS) Technology Benthic Respirometer System (BRS) This system measures the oxygen consumption of organisms living in the sediment. Instrument Free-OceanCarbon Enrichment (FOCE) system Technology Free-OceanCarbon Enrichment (FOCE) system An experiment designed to study the effects of increased carbon dioxide concentrations in seawater on marine animals. Data All Data Data Ocean Acidification 1 (OA1) Mooring Data from the OA1 mooring, located just offshore of Hopkins Marine Station and the Monterey Bay Aquarium
Instrument Benthic Respirometer System (BRS) Technology Benthic Respirometer System (BRS) This system measures the oxygen consumption of organisms living in the sediment.
Instrument Free-OceanCarbon Enrichment (FOCE) system Technology Free-OceanCarbon Enrichment (FOCE) system An experiment designed to study the effects of increased carbon dioxide concentrations in seawater on marine animals.
Data Ocean Acidification 1 (OA1) Mooring Data from the OA1 mooring, located just offshore of Hopkins Marine Station and the Monterey Bay Aquarium