Year Published

Displaying 301-400 of 2,876 Publications


Smith, Jr., K.L., A.D. Sherman, P.R. McGill, R.G. Henthorn, J. Ferreira, T.P. Connolly, and C.L. Huffard. 2021. Abyssal Benthic Rover, an autonomous vehicle for long-term monitoring of deep-ocean processes. Science Robotics, 6(60): eabl4925.

Stefanoudis, P. V., L.M. Biancani, S. Cambronero-Solano, M.R. Clark, J.T. Copley, E. Easton, F. Elmer, S.H.D. Haddock, S. Herrera, I.S. Iglesias, A.M. Quattrini, J. Sigwart, C. Yesson, and A.G. Glover. 2021. Moving conferences online: lessons learned from an international virtual meeting. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 288: 1–7.

Takeshita, Y., B.D. Jones, K.S. Johnson, F.P. Chavez, D.L. Rudnick, M. Blum, K. Conner, S. Jensen, J.S. Long, T. Maughan, K.L. Mertz, J.T. Sherman, and J.K. Warren. 2021. Accurate pH and O2 measurements from Spray underwater gliders. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 38: 181–195.

Takeshita, Y., J.K. Warren, X. Liu, R.S. Spaulding, R.H. Byrne, B.R. Carter, M.D. DeGrandpre, A. Murata, and S. Watanabe. 2021. Consistency and stability of purified meta-cresol purple for spectrophotometric pH measurements in seawater. Marine Chemistry, 236: 1–10.

Vega-Ramirez, L.A., R.M. Spelz-Madero, R. Negrete-Aranda, F. Neumann, D.W. Caress, D.A. Clague, J.B. Paduan, J. Contreras, and J.G. Peña-Dominguez. 2021. A new method for fault-scarp detection using linear discriminant analysis in high-resolution bathymetry data from the Alarcon Rise and Pescadero Basin. Tectonics, 40(12): 1–18.

Walton, M.A.L., C.K. Paull, G. Cochrane, J. Addison, D. Caress, R. Gwiazda, D. Kennedy, E. Lundsten, and A. Papesh. California Deepwater Investigations and Groundtruthing (Cal DIG) I: Fault and Shallow Geohazard Analysis Offshore Morro Bay, Volume 2. Camarillo, CA: US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, 2021.   

Winnikoff, J.R., S.H.D. Haddock, and I. Budin. 2021. Depth- and temperature-specific fatty acid adaptations in ctenophores from extreme habitats. Journal of Experimental Biology, 224: 1–10.

Wolfe, W.H., K.M. Shipley, P.J. Bresnahan, Y. Takeshita, T. Wirth, and T.R. Martz. 2021. Technical note: Stability of tris pH buffer in artificial seawater stored in bags. Ocean Science, 17: 819–831.

Yoerger, D.R., A.F. Govindarajan, J.C. Howland, J.K. Llopiz, P.H. Wiebe, M. Curran, J. Fujii, D. Gomez-Ibanez, K. Katija, B.H. Robison, B.W. Hobson, M. Risi, and S.M. Rock. 2021. Mesobot: A hybrid underwater robot for multidisciplinary investigation of the ocean twilight zone. Science Robotics, 6(55): 1–22.

Yoerger, D.R., A.F. Govindarajan, J.C. Howland, P.H. Wiebe, M. Curran, J. Fujii, D. Gomez-Ibanez, K. Katija, B.H. Robison, B.W. Hobson, M. Risi, and S.M. Rock. 2021. A hybrid underwater robot for multidisciplinary investigation of the ocean twilight zone. Science Robotics, 6(55): eabe1901.

Zhang, Y., B. Kieft, B.W. Hobson, B.Y. Raanan, S. Urmy, K.J. Pitz, C.M. Preston, B. Roman, K.J. Benoit-Bird, J.M. Birch, F.P. Chavez, and C.A. Scholin. 2021. Persistent sampling of vertically migrating biological layers by an autonomous underwater vehicle within the beam of a seabed-mounted echosounder. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 46: 497–508.

Zhang, Y., J.P. Ryan, B.W. Hobson, B. Kieft, A. Romano, B. Barone, C.M. Preston, B. Roman, B.Y. Raanan, D. Pargett, M. Dugenne, A.E. White, F. Henderikx Freitas, S. Poulos, S.T. Wilson, E.F. DeLong, D.M. Karl, J.M. Birch, J.G. Bellingham, and C.A. Scholin. 2021. A system of coordinated autonomous robots for Lagrangian studies of microbes in the oceanic deep chlorophyll maximum. Science Robotics, 6: 1–11.


A.E. Simonis, K.A. Forney, S. Rankin, J. Ryan, Y. Zhang, A. DeVogelaere, J. Joseph, T. Margolina, A. Krumpel, and S. Baumann-Pickering. 2020. Seal Bomb Noise as a Potential Threat to Monterey Bay Harbor Porpoise. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7.

Aalto, E.A., J.P. Barry, C.A. Boch, S.Y. Litvin, F. Micheli, C.B. Woodson, and G.A. De Leo. 2020. Abalone populations are most sensitive to environmental stress effects on adult individuals. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 643: 75–85.

Andruszkiewicz, E.A., K.M. Yamahara, C.J. Closek, and A.B. Boehm. 2020. Quantitative PCR assays to detect whales, rockfish, and common murre environmental DNA in marine water samples of the Northeastern Pacific. PLoS ONE, 15: 1–19.

Bach, L.T., A.J. Paul, T. Boxhammer, E. Von der Esch, M. Graco, K.G. Schulz, E. Achterberg, P. Aguayo, J. Arístegui, P. Ayón, I. Baños, A. Bernales, A.S. Boegeholz, F. Chavez, G. Chavez, S.M. Chen, K. Doering, A. Filella, M. Fischer, P. Grasse, M. Haunost, J. Hennke, N. Hernández-Hernández, M. Hopwood, M. Igarza, V. Kalter, L. Kittu, P. Kohnert, J. Ledesma, C. Lieberum, S. Lischka, C. Löscher, A. Ludwig, U. Mendoza, J. Meyer, J. Meyer, F. Minutolo, J.O. Cortes, J. Piiparinen, C. Sforna, K. Spilling, S. Sanchez, C. Spisla, M. Sswat, M. Zavala Moreira, and U. Riebesell. 2020. Factors controlling plankton community production, export flux, and particulate matter stoichiometry in the coastal upwelling system off Peru. Biogeosciences, 17: 4831–4852.

Beas‐Luna, R., F. Micheli, C.B. Woodson, M. Carr, D. Malone, J. Torre, C.A. Boch, J.E. Caselle, M. Edwards, J. Freiwald, S.L. Hamilton, A. Hernandez, B. Konar, K.J. Kroeker, J. Lorda, G. Montaño‐Moctezuma, and G. Torres‐Moye. 2020. Geographic variation in responses of kelp forest communities of the California Current to recent climatic changes. Global Change Biology, 26: 6457–6473.

Benoit-Bird, K.J., and C.M. Waluk. 2020. Exploring the promise of broadband fisheries echosounders for species discrimination with quantitative assessment of data processing effects. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 147: 411–427.

Benoit-Bird, K.J., B.L. Southall, M.A. Moline, D.E. Claridge, C.A. Dunn, K.A. Dolan, and D.J. Moretti. 2020. Critical threshold identified in the functional relationship between beaked whales and their prey. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 654:116.

Bessho-Uehara, M., N. Yamamoto, S. Shigenobu, H. Mori, K. Kuwata, and Y. Oba. 2020. Kleptoprotein bioluminescence: Parapriacanthus fish obtain luciferase from ostracod prey. Science Advances, 6: 1–10.

Bessho-Uehara, M., W. Huang, W.L. Patry, W. E. Browne, J.K. Weng, and S.H.D. Haddock. 2020. Evidence for de novo biosynthesis of the luminous substrate coelenterazine in ctenophores. iScience, 23: 1–11.

Bessho-Uehara, M., W. R. Francis, and S. Haddock. 2020. Biochemical characterization of diverse deep-sea anthozoan bioluminescence systems. Marine Biology, 167: 1–19.

Boch, C.A., A. DeVogelaere, E.J. Burton, C. King, C. Lovera, K. Buck, J. Lord, L. Kuhnz, M. Kaiser, C. Reid-Rose, and J.P. Barry. 2020. Guide to translocating coral fragments for deep-sea restoration. National Marine Sanctuary Conservation Science Series: ONMS-20-10.

Boulais, O., B. Woodward, L. Lundsten, K. Barnard, B. Schlining, K.C. Bell, and K. Katija. 2020. FathomNet: An underwater image training database for ocean exploration and discovery. arXiv: 2007.00114.

Breusing, C., D.T. Schultz, S. Sudek, A.Z. Worden, and C. Young. 2020. High-contiguity genome assembly of the chemosynthetic gammaproteobacterial endosymbiont of the cold seep tubeworm Lamellibrachia barhami. Molecular Ecology Resources, 20: 1432–1444.

Breusing, C., S.B. Johnson, V. Tunnicliffe, D.A. Clague, R.C. Vrijenhoek, and R.A. Beinart. 2020. Allopatric and sympatric drivers of speciation in alviniconcha hydrothermal vent snails. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 37(12): 3469–3484.

Burford, B.P., and B.H. Robison. 2020. Bioluminescent backlighting illuminates the complex visual signals of a social squid in the deep sea. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 117: 8524–8531.

Chai, F., K.S. Johnson, H. Claustre, X. Xing, Y. Wang, E. Boss, S. Riser, K. Fennel, O. Schofield, and A. Sutton. 2020. Monitoring ocean biogeochemistry with autonomous platforms. Nature Reviews Earth and Environment, 1: 315–326.

Clague, D.A., J.B. Paduan, D.W. Caress, J. McClain, and R.A. Zierenberg. 2020. Lava flows erupted in 1996 on North Gorda Ridge Segment and the geology of the nearby Sea Cliff Hydrothermal Vent Field From 1-M resolution AUV mapping. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7: 1–25.

Clague, D.A., J.F. Martin, J.B. Paduan, D.A. Butterfield, J.W. Jamieson, M. Le Saout, D.W. Caress, H. Thomas, J.F. Holden, and D.S. Kelley. 2020. Hydrothermal chimney distribution on the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 21: 1–12.

Clare, M.A., M. Cartigny, P. Talling, K. Rosenberger, C. Paull, J. Hughes Clarke, R. Gwiazda, D. Parsons, J. Xu, R. Perera Silva Jacinto, and R. Apprioual. 2020. Lessons learned from monitoring of turbidity currents and guidance for future platform designs. Geological Society London, Special Publications, 500: 605–634.  

Connolly, T.P., P.R. McGill, R.G. Henthorn, D.A. Burrier, and C. Michaud. 2020. Near-bottom currents at Station M in the abyssal Northeast Pacific. Deep Sea Research Part II Topical Studies in Oceanography, 173: 1–12.

Cunha, M., L. Génio, F. Pradillon, M.C. Henry, S. Beaulieu, J. Birch, F. Campuzano, M. Carretón, F. De Leo, J. Gula, S. Laming, D. Lindsay, F. Matos, A. Metaxas, K. Meyer-Kaiser, S. Mills, H. Queiroga, C. Rodrigues, J. Sarrazin, H. Watanabe, R. Young, C. Young. 2020. Foresight Workshop on Advances in Ocean Biological Observations: a sustained system for deep-ocean meroplankton. Research Ideas and Outcomes, 6(e54284)

Cyronak, T., Y. Takeshita, T.A. Courtney, E.H. DeCarlo, B.D. Eyre, D.I. Kline, T. Martz, H. Page, N.N. Price, J. Smith, L. Stoltenberg, M. Tresguerres, and A.J. Andersson. 2020. Diel temperature and pH variability scale with depth across diverse coral reef habitats. Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 5(2): 193–203.

Danovaro, R., E. Fanelli, J. Aguzzi, D. Billett, L. Carugati, C. Corinaldesi, A. Dell'Anno, K. Gjerde, A.J. Jamieson, S. Kark, C. McClain, L. Levin, N. Levin, E. Ramirez-Llodra, H. Ruhl, C.R. Smith, P.V.R. Snelgrove, L. Thomsen, C.L. Van Dover, and M. Yasuhara. 2020. Ecological variables for developing a global deep-ocean monitoring and conservation strategy. Nature Ecology and Evolution, 4: 181–192.

Davis, A.L., K.N. Thomas, F.E. Goetz, B.H. Robison, S. Johnsen, and K.J. Osborn. 2020. Ultra-black camouflage in deep-sea fishes. Current Biology, 30: 3470–3476.

Djurhuus, A., C.J. Closek, R.P. Kelly, K.J. Pitz, R.P. Michisaki, H.A. Starks, K.R. Walz, E.A. Andruszkiewicz, E. Olesin, K.A. Hubbard, E. Montes, D. Otis, F.E. Muller-Karger, F.P. Chavez, A.B. Boehm, and M. Breitbart. 2020. Environmental DNA reveals seasonal shifts and potential interactions in a marine community. Nature Communications, 11: 1–9.

Doo, S., A. Kealoha, A. Andersson, A. Choen, T.L. Hicks, Z.I. Johnson, M.H. Long, P. McElhany, N. Mollica, K.E. Shamberger, N.J. Silbiger, Y. Takeshita, and D.S. Busch. 2020. The challenges of detecting and attributing ocean acidification impacts on marine ecosystems. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 77(7-8): 2411–2422.

Drazen, J.C., C.R. Smith, K.M. Gjerde, S.H.D. Haddock, G.S. Carter, C.A. Choy, M.R. Clark, P. Dutrieux, E. Goetze, C. Hauton, M. Hatta, J.A. Koslow, A.B. Leitner, A. Pacini, J.N. Perelman, T. Peacock, T.T. Sutton, L. Watling, and H. Yamamoto. 2020. Midwater ecosystems must be considered when evaluating environmental risks of deep-sea mining. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(30): 17455–17460.

Elahi, R., L.P. Miller, and S.Y. Litvin. 2020. Historical comparisons of body size are sensitive to data availability and ecological context. The Ecological Society of America, 101: 1–10.

Fagundes, M., S.Y. Litvin, F. Micheli, G. De Leo, C.A. Boch, J.P Barry., S. Omidvar, and C.B. Woodson. 2020. Downscaling global ocean climate models improves estimates of exposure regimes in coastal environments. Scientific Reports, 10: 1–11.

Faktorová, D., R.E.R. Nisbet, J.A. Fernández Robledo, E. Casacuberta, L. Sudek, A.E. Allen, M. Ares, C. Aresté, C. Balestreri, A.C. Barbrook, P. Beardslee, S. Bender, D.S. Booth, F.Y. Bouget, C. Bowler, S.A. Breglia, C. Brownlee, G. Burger, H. Cerutti, R. Cesaroni, M.A. Chiurillo, T. Clemente, D.B. Coles, J.L. Collier, E.C. Cooney, K. Coyne, R. Docampo, C.L. Dupont, V. Edgcomb, E. Einarsson, P.A. Elustondo, F. Federici, V. Freire-Beneitez, N.J. Freyria, K. Fukuda, P.A. García, P.R. Girguis, F. Gomaa, S.G. Gornik, J. Guo, V. Hampl, Y. Hanawa, E.R. Haro-Contreras, E. Hehenberger, A. Highfield, Y. Hirakawa, A. Hopes, C.J. Howe, I. Hu, J. Ibañez, N.A.T. Irwin, Y. Ishii, N.E. Janowicz, A.C. Jones, A. Kachale, K. Fujimura-Kamada, B. Kaur, J.Z. Kaye, E. Kazana, P.J. Keeling, N. King, L.A. Klobutcher, N. Lander, I. Lassadi, Z. Li, S. Lin, J.C. Lozano, F. Luan, S. Maruyama, T. Matute, C. Miceli, J. Minagawa, M. Moosburner, S.R. Najle, D. Nanjappa, I.C. Nimmo, L. Noble, A.M.G. Novák Vanclová, M. Nowacki, I. Nuñez, A. Pain, A. Piersanti, S. Pucciarelli, J. Pyrih, J.S. Rest, M. Rius, D. Robertson, A. Ruaud, I. Ruiz-Trillo, M.A. Sigg, P.A. Silver, C.H. Slamovits, G. Jason Smith, B.N. Sprecher, R. Stern, E.C. Swart, A.D. Tsaousis, L. Tsypin, A. Turkewitz, J. Turnšek, M. Valach, V. Vergé, P. von Dassow, T. von der Haar, R.F. Waller, L. Wang, X. Wen, G. Wheeler, A. Woods, H. Zhang, T. Mock, A.Z. Worden, and J. Lukeš. 2020. Genetic tool development in marine protists: emerging model organisms for experimental cell biology. Nature Methods, 17: 481–494.

Fiechter, J., J. Santora, F.P. Chavez, D. Northcott, and M. Messié, 2020. Krill hotspot formation and phenology in the California Current Ecosystem. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(13): 1–10.  

Gallo, N.D., M. Beckwith, C.L. Wei, L.A. Levin, L. Kuhnz, and J.P. Barry. 2020. Dissolved oxygen and temperature best predict deep-sea fish community structure in the Gulf of California with climate change implications. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 637: 159–180.

Goffredi, S.K., E. Tilic, S.W. Mullin, K.S. Dawson, A. Keller, R.W. Lee, F. Wu, I. Levin, G.W. Rouse, E.E. Cordes, and V.J. Orphan. 2020. Methanotrophic bacterial symbionts fuel dense populations of deep-sea feather duster worms (Sabellida, Annelida) and extend the spatial influence of methane seepage. Science Advances, 6: 1–12.

Goodheart, J., G. Minsky, M. Brynjegard-Bialik, M. Drummond, D.J. Munoz, T. Fallon, D.T. Schultz, J.K. Weng, E. Torres, and T. Oakley. 2020. Laboratory culture of the California sea firefly Vargula tsujii (Ostracoda: Cypridinidae): Developing a model system for the evolution of marine bioluminescence. Scientific Reports, 10: 1–15.

Guo, L., P. Xiu, F. Chai, and F. Chavez. 2020. Modeled Dynamics of Physical and Biological Processes in the Central California Current System From 1993 to 2016. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125(5): e2019JC015664.

Haskell II , W.Z., A.J. Fassbender, J.S. Long, and J.N. Plant. 2020. Annual net community production of particulate and dissolved organic carbon from a decade of biogeochemical profiling float observations in the Northeast Pacific. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 34: 1–22.

Haumann, F.A., R. Moorman, S.C. Riser, L.H. Smedsrud, T. Maksym, A.P.S. Wong, E.A. Wilson, R. Drucker, L.D. Talley, K.S. Johnson, R.M. Key, and J.L. Sarmiento. 2020. Supercooled Southern Ocean waters. Geophysical Research Letters, 47: 1–11.

Haver, S.M., Z. Rand, L.T. Hatch, D. Lipski, R.P. Dziak, J. Gedamke, J. Haxel, S.A. Heppell, J. Jahncke, M.F. McKenna, D.K. Mellinger, W.K. Oestreich, L. Roche, J. Ryan, and S.M. Van Parijs. 2020. Seasonal trends and primary contributors to the low-frequency soundscape of the Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 148: 845–858.

Heerema, C.J., P.J. Talling, M.J. Cartigny, C.K. Paull, L. Bailey, S.M. Simmons, D.R. Parsons, M.A. Clare, R. Gwiazda, E. Lundsten, K. Anderson, K.L. Maier, J.P. Xu, E.J. Sumner, K.J. Rosenberger, J. Gales, M. McGann, L. Carter, and E. Pope. 2020. What determines the downstream evolution of turbidity currents?. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 532: 1–11.

Hirsh, H.K., K.J. Nickols, Y. Takeshita, S.B. Traiger, D.A. Mucciarone, S. Monismith, and R.B. Dunbar. 2020. Drivers of biogeochemical variability in a central California kelp forest: Implications for local amelioration of ocean acidification. JGR Oceans, 25: 1–22.

Hoque, M.M., K. Kawamura, T. Nagayama, B. Kunwar, E.T. Peltzer, and R.B.Gagosian. 2020. Molecular characteristics of water-soluble dicarboxylic acids, ω-oxocarboxylic acids, pyruvic acid and α-dicarbonyls in the aerosols from the eastern North Pacific. Marine Chemistry, 224(103812): 1–8.

Hoving, H. J. T., P. Neitzel, S. Christiansen, R. Kiko, B.H. Robison, P. Silva, and A. Körtzinger. 2020. In situ observations show vertical community structure of pelagic fauna in the eastern tropical North Atlantic off Cape Verde. Scientific Reports, 10: 1–14.

Huffard, C.L., C.A. Durkin, S.E. Wilson, P.R. McGill, R. Henthorn, and K.L. Smith Jr. 2020. Temporally-resolved mechanisms of deep-ocean particle flux and impact on the seafloor carbon cycle in the northeast Pacific. Deep Sea Research Part II Topical Studies in Oceanography, 173: 1–17.

James, W.R., J.S. Lesser, S.Y. Litvin, and J.A. Nelson. 2020. Assessment of food web recovery following restoration using resource niche metrics. Science of the Total Environment, 711: 1–12.

Kahn, A. S., C.W. Pennelly, P.R. McGill, and S.P. Leys. 2020. Behaviors of sessile benthic animals in the abyssal northeast Pacific Ocean. Deep Sea Research Part II Topical Studies in Oceanography, 173: 1–12.

Katija, K., G. TroniJ. Daniels, K. Lance, R.E. Sherlock, A.D. Sherman, and B.H. Robison. 2020. Revealing enigmatic mucus structures in the deep sea using DeepPIV. Nature, 583: 78–82.

Kuhnz, L.A., H.A. Ruhl, C.L. Huffard, and K.L. Smith. 2020. Benthic megafauna assemblage change over three decades in the abyss: Variations from species to functional groups. Deep Sea Research Part II Topical Studies in Oceanography, 173(104761).

Laguione-Marchais, C., B.J. Bett, G.L.J. Paterson, K.L. Smith Jr., and H.A. Ruhl. 2020. Using metabolic theory to assess structure and function in the deep-sea benthos, including microbial and metazoan dominance. Deep Sea Research Part II Topical Studies in Oceanography, 173: 1–10.

Lambert, G.G., H. Depernet, G. Gotthard, D.T. Schultz, I. Navizet,T. Lambert, S.R. Adams, A. Torreblanca-Zanca, M. Chu, D.S. Bindels, V. Levesque, J.N. Moffatt, A. Salih, A. Royant, and N.C. Shaner. 2020. Aequorea’s secrets revealed: New fluorescent proteins with unique properties for bioimaging and biosensing. PLOS Biology, 18(11):e3000936.

Le Saout, M., D.R. Bohnenstiehl, J.B. Paduan, and D.A. Clague. 2020. Quantification of eruption dynamics on the north rift at Axial Seamount, Juan de Fuca Ridge. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 21: 1–11.

Leonardi, N.D., E.V. Thuesen, and S.H.D. Haddock. 2020. A sticky thicket of glue cells: A comparative morphometric analysis of colloblasts in 20 species of comb jelly (phylum Ctenophora). Ciencias Marinas, 46: 211–225.

Locatelli, N.S., P.B. McIntyre, N.O. Therkildsen, and D.S. Baetscher. 2020. GenBank’s reliability is uncertain for biodiversity researchers seeking species-level assignment for eDNA. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117: 32211–32212.

López-Garrido, P.H., J.P. Barry, J.I. González-Gordillo, and E. Escobar-Briones. 2020. ROV’s video recordings as a tool to estimate variation in megabenthic epifauna diversity and community composition in the Guaymas Basin. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7: 1–16.

Low, N.H.N., C.A. Ng, and M. Fiorenza. 2020. A low‐cost modular control system for multistressor experiments. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 18: 623–634.

Maier, K. L., C.K. Paull, D.W. Caress, K. Anderson, N.M. Nieminski, E. Lundsten, B.E. Erwin, R. Gwiazda, and A. Fildani. 2020. Submarine-fan development revealed by integrated high-resolution datasets from La Jolla fan, offshore California, USA. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 90: 468–479.

Martini, S, D.T. Schultz, L. Lundsten, and S.H.D. Haddock. 2020. Bioluminescence in an undescribed species of carnivorous sponge (Cladorhizidae) from the deep sea. Science, 7: 1–19.

Masmitjà , I., J. Navarro, S. Gomariz, J. Aguzzi, B. Kieft, T. O'Reilly, K. Katija, P.J. Bouvet, C. Fannjiang, M. Vigo, P. Puig, A. Alcocer, G. Vallicrosa, N. Palomeras, M. Carreras, J. del Rio, and J.B. Company. 2020. Mobile robotic platforms for the acoustic tracking of deep-sea demersal fishery resources. Science Robotics, 5(48): eabc3701.

Matsumoto, G.I., B. Bentlage, R. Sherlock, K. Walz, and B.H. Robison. 2020. “Little red jellies” in Monterey Bay, California (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa: Trachymedusae: Rhopalonematidae). Frontiers in Marine Science, 6: 1–14.

Messié, M., A. Petrenko, A.M. Doglioli, C. Aldebert, E. Martinez, G. Koenig, S. Bonnet, and T. Moutin. 2020. The delayed island mass effect: How islands can remotely trigger blooms in the oligotrophic ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 47: 1–10.

Miguez-Salas, O., C.L. Huffard, K.L. Smith Jr., P.R. McGill, and F.J. Rodriguez-Tovar. 2020. Faunal assemblage changes, bioturbation and benthic storms at an abyssal station in the northeastern Pacific. Deep Sea Research Part 1: Oceanographic Research Papers, 160(103277).

Milligan, R.J., E.M. Scott, D.O.B. Jones, B.J. Bett, A.J. Jamieson, R. O’Brien, S. Pereira Costa, G.T. Rowe, H.A. Ruhl, K.L. Smith, Jr., P. de Susanne, M.F. Vardaro, and D.M. Bailey. 2020. Evidence for seasonal cycles in deep-sea fish abundances: A great migration in the deep SE Atlantic. Journal of Animal Ecology, 89(7): 1593–1603.  

Oestreich, W.K., J.A. Fahlbusch, D.E. Cade, J. Calambokidis, T. Margolina, J. Joseph, A.S. Friedlaender, M.F. McKenna, A.K. Stimpert, B.L. Southall, J.A. Goldbogen, and J.P. Ryan. 2020. Animal-borne metrics enable acoustic detection of blue whale migration. Current Biology, 30: 4773–4779.e3.

Pitz, K.J., J. Guo, S.B. Johnson, T.L. Campbell, H. Zhang, R.C. Vrijenhoek, F.P. Chavez, and J. Geller. 2020. Zooplankton biogeographic boundaries in the California Current System as determined from metabarcoding. PloS ONE, 15(6): 1–20.

Platz, M.C., Y. Takeshita, E. Bartels, and M.E. Arias. 2020. Evaluating the potential for autonomous measurements of net community production and calcification as a tool for monitoring coral restoration. Ecological Engineering, 158: 1–10.

Reji, L., B.B. Tolar, F.P. Chavez, and C.A. Francis. 2020. Depth-differentiation and seasonality of planktonic microbial assemblages in the Monterey Bay upwelling system. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11: 1–14.

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