Year Published

Displaying 201-300 of 2,876 Publications


Portner, R., B.M. Dreyer, D.A. Clague, N.R. Daczko, and P.R. Castillo. 2022. Oceanic zircon records extreme fractional crystallization of MORB to rhyolite on the Alarcon Rise mid-ocean ridge. Journal of Petrology, 63: 1–25,

Ramírez-Zerpa, N., R.M. Spelz, I. Yarbuh, R. Negrete-Aranda, J. Contreras, D.A. Clague, F. Neumann, D.W. Caress, R. Zierenberg, and A. González-Fernández. 2022. Architecture and tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Pescadero Basin Complex, southern Gulf of California: Analysis of high-resolution bathymetry data and seismic reflection profiles. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 114(103678): 1–17.

Ricart, A. M., M. Ward, T. Hill, E. Sanford, K. Kroeker, Y. Takeshita, S. Merolla, P. Shukla, A.T. Ninokawa, K. Elsmore, and B. Gaylord. 2022. Commentary: Overstated potential for seagrass meadows to mitigate coastal ocean acidification, Frontiers in Marine Science, 9(884857): 1–4.

Riedel, M., M. Scherwath, M. Römer, C.K. Paull, E.M. Lundsten, D. Caress, P.G. Brewer, J.W. Pohlman, L.L. Lapham, N.R. Chapman, M.J. Whiticar, G.D. Spence, R.J. Enkin, and K. Douglas. 2022. Barkley Canyon gas hydrates: A synthesis based on two decades of seafloor observation and remote sensing. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10: 1–25.

Ryan, J.P., K.J. Benoit-Bird, W.K. Oestreich, P. Leary, K.B. Smith, C.M. Waluk, D.E. Cade, J.A. Fahlbusch, B.L. Southall, J.E. Joseph, T. Margolina, J. Calambokidis, A. DeVogelaere, and J.A. Goldbogen. 2022. Oceanic giants dance to atmospheric rhythms: Ephemeral wind-driven resource tracking by blue whales. Ecology Letters, 25(11): 2435–2447.

Searcy, R.T., A.B. Boehm, C. Weinstock, C.M. Preston, S. Jensen, B. Roman, J.M. Birch, C.A. Scholin, K.S. Van Houtan, J.D. Kiernan, and K.M. Yamahara. 2022. High‐frequency and long‐term observations of eDNA from imperiled salmonids in a coastal stream: Temporal dynamics, relationships with environmental factors, and comparisons with conventional observations. Environmental DNA, 4(4): 776789.

Simakov, O., J. Bredeson, K. Berkoff, F. Marletaz, T. Mitros, D.T. Schultz, B.L. O’Connell, P. Dear, D.E. Martinez, R.E. Steel, R.E. Green, C.N. David, and D.S. Rokhsar. 2022. Deeply conserved synteny and the evolution of metazoan chromosomes. Science Advances, 8: 1–17.

Smith, K. L. Jr., M. Messié, T.P. Connolly, and C.L. Huffard. 2022. Decadal time-series depletion of dissolved oxygen at abyssal depths in the Northeast Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters, 49(e2022GL101018): 1–11.

Smith, K.B., P. Leary, T. Deal, J. Joseph, J. Ryan, C. Miller, C. Dawe, and B. Cray. 2022. Acoustic vector sensor analysis of the Monterey Bay region soundscape and the impact of COVID-19. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151: 2507–2520.

Smith, L.M., L. Cimoli, D. LaScala-Gruenewald, M. Pachiadaki, B. Phillips, H. Pillar, J.E. Stopa, S. Baumann-Pickering, S.E. Beaulieu, K.L.C. Bell, H. Harden-Davies, K.M. Gjerde, P. Heimbach, B. Howe, F. Janssen, L.A. Levin, H.A. Ruhl, A. Soule, K. Stocks, M.F. Vardaro, D.J. Wright. 2022. The deep ocean observing strategy: Addressing global challenges in the deep sea through collaboration. Marine Technology Society Journal, 56(3): 50–66.

Steinberg, D.K., K. Stamieszkin, A.E. Maas, C.A. Durkin, U. Passow, M.L. Estapa, M.M. Omand, A.M.P. McDonnell, L. Karp-Boss, M. Galbraith, and D.A. Siegel. 2022. The outsized role of salps in carbon export in the subarctic northeast Pacific Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 37(1): 1–17.

Stenvers, V.I., R.E. Sherlock, K.R. Reisenbichler, and B.H. Robison. 2022. ROV observations reveal infection dynamics of gill parasites in midwater cephalopods. Scientific Reports, 12: 1–12.

Takeshita, Y., K.L. Mertz, A. Norgaard, S. Gray, M.H. Verburg, and E.E. Bockmon. 2022. Accurate spectrophotometric pH measurements made directly in the sample bottle using an aggregated dye perturbation approach. Limnology and Oceanography Methods, 20(5): 1–7.

Thornton, B., A. Bodenmann, T. Yamada, D. Stanley, M. Massot-Campos, V. Huvenne, J. Durden, B. Bett, H. Ruhl, and D. Newborough. 2022. Visualizing multi-hectare seafloor habitats with BioCam. Frontiers in Ocean Observing: Documenting Ecosystems, Understanding Environmental Changes, Forecasting Hazards, 34: 92–93.

Toy, J.A., K.J. Kroeker, C.A. Logan,Y. Takeshita, G.C. Longo, and G. Bernardi. 2022. Upwelling-level acidification and pH/pCO2 variability moderate effects of ocean acidification on brain gene expression in the temperate surfperch, Embiotoca jacksoni. Molecular Ecology, 31(18): 4707–4725.

Traiger, S.B., B. Cohn, D. Panos, M. Daly, H.K. Hirsh, M. Martone, I. Gutierrez, D.A. Mucciarone, Y. Takeshita, S.G. Monismith, R.B. Dunbar, and K.J. Nickols. 2022. Limited biogeochemical modification of surface waters by kelp forest canopies: Influence of kelp metabolism and site-specific hydrodynamics. Limnology and Oceanography, 67: 392–403.

Truelove, N.K., N.V. Patin, M. Min, K.J. Pitz, C.M. Preston, K.M. Yamahara, Y. Zhang, B. Y. Raanan, B. Kieft, B. Hobson, L.R. Thompson, K.D. Goodwin, and F.P. Chavez. 2022. Expanding the temporal and spatial scales of environmental DNA research with autonomous sampling. Environmental DNA, 4(4): 972–984.

Tseng, Y., M. Römer, S.-W. Lin, T. Pape, C. Berndt, T.T. Chen, C.K. Paull, D.W. Caress, and G. Bohrmann. 2022. Yam Seep at Four-Way Closure Ridge–a prominent active gas seep system at the accretionary wedge SW offshore Taiwan. International Journal of Earth Sciences.

Wagner, H.-J., M.J. Genner, J.C. Partridge, W. Chung, N.J. Marshall, B.H. Robison, and R.H. Douglas. 2022. Diversity and evolution of optically complex eyes in a family of deep-sea fish: Ocular diverticula in barreleye spookfish (Opisthoproctidae). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10(1044565): 1–27.

Zhang, Y., M.A. Godin, B. Kieft, B.Y. Raanan, J.P. Ryan, and B.W. Hobson. 2022. Finding and tracking a phytoplankton patch by a long-range autonomous underwater vehicle. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 47: 322–330.

Zhang, Y., N. Yoder, B. Kieft, A. Kukulya, B.W. Hobson, S. Ryan, and G.G. Gawarkiewicz. 2022. Autonomous tracking of salinity-intrusion fronts by a long-range autonomous underwater vehicle. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 47(4): 950–958.

Zhang, Y., P.R. McGill, and J.P. Ryan. 2022. Optimized design of windowed-sinc anti-aliasing filters for phase-preserving decimation of hydrophone data. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151: 1–9.


Allentoft-Larsen, M.C., B.C. Gonzalez, J. Daniels, K. Katija, K. Osborn, and K. Worsaae. 2021. Muscular adaptations in swimming scale worms (Polynoidae, Annelida). Royal Society Open Science, 8(10): 1–22.

Bailey, P., M.A. Clare, K.J. Rosenberger, M.J.B. Cartigny, P.J. Talling, C.K. Paull, R. Gwiazda, D.R. Parsons, S.M. Simmons, J. Xu, I.D. Haigh, K.L. Maier, M. McGanni, E. Lundsten, and Monterey CCE Team. 2021. Preconditioning by sediment accumulation can produce powerful turbidity currents without major external triggers. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 562: 1–14.

Bednaršek, N., R. Ambrose, P. Calosi, R.K. Childers, R.A. Feely, S.Y. Litvin, W.C. Long, J.I. Spicer, J. Strus, J. Taylor, and F. Kessouri. 2021. Synthesis of thresholds of ocean acidification impacts on decapods. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8(651102): 1–19.

Benoit-Bird, K.J. and M. Moline. 2021. Vertical migration timing illuminates the importance of visual and nonvisual predation pressure in the mesopelagic zone. Limnology and Oceanography, 66(8): 3010–3019.

Benoit-Bird, K.J., and C.M. Waluk. 2021. Remote acoustic detection and characterization of fish schooling behavior. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 150: 4329–4342.

Bresnahan, J., Y. Takeshita, T. Wirth, T.R. Martz, T. Cyronak, R. Albright, K. Wolfe, J.K. Warren, and K. Mertz. 2021. Autonomous in situ calibration of ion‐sensitive field effect transistor pH sensors. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 19(2): 132–144.

Brewer, P.G., E.T. Peltzer, and K. Lage. 2021. Life at low Reynolds Number re-visited: The apparent activation energy of viscous flow in sea water. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 176(103592): 1–9.

Byron, M.L., D.W. Murphy, K. Katija, A.P. Hoover, J. Daniels, K. Garayev, D. Takagi, E. Kanso, B.J. Gemmell, M. Ruszczyk, and A. Santhanakrishnan. 2021. Metachronal motion across scales: Current challenges and future directions. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 61(5): 1674–1688.

Cade, D.E., J.A. Fahlbusch, W.K. Oestreich, J. Ryan, J. Calambokidis, K.P. Findlay, A.S. Friedlaender, E.L. Hazen, S. Mduduzi Seakamela, and J.A. Goldbogen. 2021. Social exploitation of extensive, ephemeral, environmentally controlled prey patches by supergroups of rorqual whales. Animal Behaviour, 182: 251–266.

Cael, B.B., K. Bisson, M. Conte, M.T. Duret, C.L. Follett, S.A. Henson, M.C. Honda, M.H. Iversen, D.M. Karl, R.S. Lampitt, C.B. Mouw, F. Muller-Karger, C.A. Pebody, K.L. Smith Jr., and D. Talmy. 2021. Open ocean particle flux variability from surface to seafloor. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(9): 1–10.

Canals, M., C.K. Pham, M. Bergmann, L. Gutow, G. Hanke, E.V. Sebille, M. Angiolillo, L. Buhl-Mortensen, A. Cau, C. Ioakeimidis, U. Kammann, L. Lundsten, G. Papatheodorou, A. Purser, A. Sanchez-Vidal, M. Schulz, M. Vinci, S. Chiba, F. Galgani, D. Langenkämper, T. Möller, T.W. Nattkemper, M. Ruiz, S. Suikkanen, L. Woodall, E. Fakiris, M.E. Molina Jack, and A. Giorgetti. 2021. The quest for seafloor macrolitter: a critical review of background knowledge, current methods and future prospects. Environmental Research Letters, 16(023001): 1-30.

Carter, B.R., H.C. Bittig, A.J. Fassbender, J.D. Sharp, Y. Takeshita, Y. Xu, M. Alvarez, R. Wanninkhof, R.A. Feely, and L. Barbero. 2021. New and updated global empirical seawater property estimation routines. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 19(12): 785–809.

Chavez, F.P., M. Min, K. Pitz, N. Truelove, J. Baker, D. LaScala-Grunewald, M. Blum, K. Walz, C. Nye, A. Djurhuus, R.J. Miller, K.D. Goodwin, F.E. Muller-Karger, H.A. Ruhl, and C.A. Scholin. 2021. Observing life in the sea using environmental DNA. Oceanography, 34: 102–119.

Chavez, F.P., R.J. Miller, F.E. Muller-Karger, K. Iken, G. Canonico, K. Egan, J. Price, and W. Turner. 2021. MBON—Marine Biodiversity Observation Network: An observing system for life in the sea. Oceanography, 34: 12–15.

Cheng, F., B. Chi, N.J. Lindsey, C.T. Dawe, and J.B. Ajo-Frankling. 2021. Utilizing distributed acoustic sensing and ocean bottom fiber optic cables for submarine structural characterization. Scientific Reports, 11: 1–14.

Christianson, L.M., S.B. Johnson, D.T. Schultz, and S.H.D. Haddock. 2021. Hidden diversity of Ctenophora revealed by new mitochondrial COI primers and sequences. Molecular Ecology Resources, 22: 283–294.

Colombano, D.D., S.Y. Litvin, S.L. Ziegler, S.B. Alford, R. Baker, M.A. Barbeau, J. Cebrián, R.M. Connolly, C.A. Currin, L.A. Deegan, J.S. Lesser, C.W. Martin, A.E. McDonald, C. McLuckie, B.H. Morrison, J.W. Pahl, L.M. Risse, J.A.M. Smith, L.W. Staver, R.E. Turner, and N.J. Waltham. 2021. Climate change implications for tidal marshes and food web linkages to estuarine and coastal nekton. Estuaries and Coasts, 44: 1637–1648.

Damian-Serrano, A., S.H.D. Haddock, and C.W. Dunn. 2021. The evolution of siphonophore tentilla for specialized prey capture in the open ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118: 1–9.

Daniels, J., N. Aoki, J. Havassy, K. Katija, and K.J. Osborn. 2021. Metachronal swimming with flexible legs: A kinematics analysis of the midwater Polychaete Tomopteris. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 61: 1658–1673.

De Orte, R. D.A. Koweek, T. Cyronak, Y. Takeshita, A. Griffin, K. Wolfe, A. Szmant, R. Whitehead, R. Albright, and K. Caldeira. 2021. Unexpected role of communities colonizing dead coral substrate in the calcification of coral reefs. Limnology and Oceanography, 66(5): 1793–1803.

Durden, J.M., B. Hosking, B.J. Bett, D. Cline, and H.A. Ruhl. 2021. Automated classification of fauna in seabed photographs: The impact of training and validation dataset size, with considerations for the class imbalance. Progress in Oceanography, 196: 1–11.

Durkin, C.A., K.O. Buesseler, I. Cetinic, M. Estapa, R.P. Kelley, and M. Omand. 2021. A visual tour of carbon export by sinking particles. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 35(10): 1–17.

Elor, A., T. Thang, B.P. Hughes, A. Crosby, A. Phung, E. Gonzalez, K. Katija, S.H.D. Haddock, B.E. Erwin, E.J. Martin, and L. Takayama. 2021. Catching jellies in immersive virtual reality: A comparative teleoperation study of ROVs in underwater capture tasks. Proceedings of the 27th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, VRST '21 (17): 1–10.

Fildani, A., S. Kostic, J.A. Covault, K.L. Maier, D.W. Caress, and C.K. Paull. 2021. Exploring a new breadth of cyclic steps on distal submarine fans. Sedimentology, 68: 1378–1399.

Flohrab, A., A. Schaapb, E.P. Achterberg, G. Alendal, M. Arundell, C. Berndt, J. Blackford, C. Bottner, S.M. Borisov, R. Brown, J.M. Bull, L. Carter, B. Cheng, A.W. Dale, D. de Beer, M. Dean, C. Deusner, M. Deware, J.M. Durden, S. Elsen, M. Esposito, M. Faggetter, J.P. Fischer, A. Gana, J. Gros, M. Haeckel, R. Hanz, M. Holtappels, B. Hosking, V.A.I. Huvenne, R.H. James, D. Koopmans, E. Kossel, T.G. Leighton, J. Li, A. Lichtschlag, P. Linke, S. Loucaides, M. Martínez-Cabanas, J.M. Matter, T. Mesher, S. Monk, M. Mowlem, A. Oleynik, S. Papadimitriou, D. Paxton, C.R. Pearce, K. Peel, B. Roche, H.A. Ruhl, U. Saleem, C. Sands, K. Saw, M. Schmidt, S. Sommer, J.A. Strong, J. Triest, B. Ungerbock, J. Walk, P. White, S. Widdicombe, R.E. Wilson, H. Wright, J. Wyatt, and D. Connelly. 2021. Towards improved monitoring of offshore carbon storage: A real-world field experiment detecting a controlled sub-seafloor CO2 release. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 106: 1–20.

Garwood, J.C., A.J. Lucas, P. Naughton, P.L.D. Roberts, J.S. Jaffe, L. deGelleke, and P.J.S. Franks. 2021. Larval cross-shore transport estimated from internal waves with a background flow: The effects of larval vertical position and depth regulation. Limnology and Oceanography, 66: 678–693.

Grossman, G.D., B.B. Bozeman, R.W. Sliger, T.N. Simon, and G.I. Matsumoto. 2021. Open Educational Resource Exercises for Fisheries Classes. Fisheries, 46(2), 7680.

Hamilton, M., M. Mascioni, E. Hehenberger, C. Bachy, C. Yung, M. Vernet, and A.Z. Worden. 2021. Spatiotemporal variations in Antarctic protistan communities highlight phytoplankton diversity and seasonal dominance by a novel cryptophyte lineage. American Society for Microbiology, 12: 1–23.

Hansell, D.A., C.A. Carlson, R.M.W. Amon, X.A. Alvarez-Salgado, Y. Yamashita, C. Romera-Castillo, and M.B. Bif. 2021. Compilation of dissolved organic matter (DOM) data obtained from the global ocean surveys from 1994 to 2020 (NCEI Accession 0227166). NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Dataset: Version 2.

Helm, R.R., N. Clark, H. Harden-Davies, D. Amon, P. Girguis, C. Bordehore, S. Earle, M.J. Gibbons, Y. Golbuu, S.H.D. Haddock, J.D.R. Houghton, J. Javidpour, D.J. McCauley, L. Morgan, D. Obura, E.A. Pakhomov, K.A. Pitt, J. Jimenez Ramon, R. Sumaila, and J.B. Thiebot. 2021. Protect high seas biodiversity. Science, 372: 1048–1049.

Hoover, A.P., J. Daniels, J.C. Nawroth, and K. Katija. 2021. A computational model for tail undulation and fluid transport in the giant larvacean. Fluids, 6: 88–105.

Kang, S.E., Y.K. Jin, U. Jang, M.J. Duchesne, C. Shin, S. Kim, M. Riedel, S.R. Dallimore, C.K. Paull, Y. Choi, and J.K. Hong. 2021. Imaging the P-wave velocity structure of Arctic subsea permafrost using Laplace-domain full-waveform inversion. JGR Earth Surface, 126: 1–15.

Katija, K., B. Schlining, L. Lundsten, K. Barnard, G. Sainz, O. Boulais, B. Woodward, and K.L. Croff Bell. 2021. FathomNet: An open, underwater image repository for automated detection and classification of midwater and benthic animals. Marine Technology Society Journal, 55(3): 136–137.

Katija, K., E. Orenstein, B. Schlining, L. Lundsten, K. Barnard, G. Sainz, O. Boulais, B. Woodward, and K.C. Bell. 2021. FathomNet: A global underwater image training set for enabling artificial intelligence in the ocean. arXiv: 2109.14646.

Kavanaugh, M. T., T. Bell, D. Catlett, M.A. Cimino, S.C. Doney, W. Klajbor, M. Messié, E. Montes, F.E. Muller-Karger, D. Otis, J.A. Santora, I.D. Schroeder, J. Triñanes, and D.A. Siegel. 2021. Satellite remote sensing and the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON): Current science and future steps. Oceanography, 34: 62–79.

Krumpel, A., A. Rice, K.E. Frasier, F. Reese, J.S. Trickey, A.E. Simonis, J.P. Ryan, S.M. Wiggins, A. Denzinger, H.U. Schnitzler, and S. Baumann-Pickering. 2021. Long-term patterns of noise from underwater explosions and their relation to fisheries in Southern California. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8: 1–21.

Kudela, R.M., C. Anderson, and H. Ruhl. 2021. The California Harmful Algal Bloom Monitoring and Alert Program: A success story for coordinated ocean observing. Frontiers in Ocean Observing: Documenting Ecosystems, Understanding Environmental Changes, Forecasting Hazards, 34: 84–85.

LaDouceur, E.B.E., L.A. Kuhnz, C. Biggs, A. Bitondo, M. Olhasso, K.L. Scott, and M. Murray. 2021. Histologic examination of a sea pig (Scotoplanes sp.) using bright field light microscopy. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9: 1–9.

Lamy, T., K.J. Pitz, F.P. Chavez, C.E. York, and R.J. Miller. 2021. Environmental DNA reveals the fine-grained and hierarchical spatial structure of kelp forest fish communities. Scientific Reports, 11: 1–13.

Langan, J.A., G. Puggioni, C.A. Oviatt, M.E. Henderson, and J.S. Collie. 2021. Climate alters the migration phenology of coastal marine species. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 660: 1–18.

Lee, D.H., J.H. Kim, Y.M. Lee, J.H. Kim, Y.K. Jin, C. Paull, J.S. Ryu, and K.H. Shin. 2021. Geochemical and microbial signatures of siboglinid tubeworm habitats at an active mud volcano in the Canadian Beaufort Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8: 1–16.

Leitner, A.B., J.M. Durden, C.R. Smith, E.D. Klingberg, and J.C. Drazen. 2021. Synaphobranchid eel swarms on abyssal seamounts: Largest aggregation of fishes ever observed at abyssal depths. Deep Sea Research Part 1: Oceanographic Research Papers, 167: 1–11.

Leitner, A.B., T. Friedrich, C.D. Kelley, S. Travis, D. Partridge, B. Powell, and J.C. Drazen. 2021. Biogeophysical influence of large-scale bathymetric habitat types on mesophotic and upper bathyal demersal fish assemblages: a Hawaiian case study. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 659: 219–236.

Lertvilai, P., P.L.D. Roberts, and J.S. Jaffe. 2021. In situ underwater average flow velocity estimation using a low-cost video velocimeter. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 38: 1143–1156.

Long, J.S., A.J. Fassbender, and M.L. Estapa. 2021. Depth-resolved net primary production in the Northeast Pacific Ocean: A comparison of satellite and profiling float estimates in the context of two marine heatwaves. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(19): 1–11.

Maurer, T.L., J.N. Plant, and K.S. Johnson. 2021. Delayed-mode quality control of oxygen, nitrate, and pH data on SOCCOM biogeochemical profiling floats. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8: 1–20.

McMahon, C.R., F. Roquet, S. Baudel, M. Belbeoch, S. Bestley, C. Blight, L. Boehme, F. Carse, D.P. Costa, M.A. Fedak, C. Guinet, R. Harcourt, E. Heslop, M.A. Hindell, X. Hoenner, K. Holland, M. Holland, F.R.A. Jaine, T. Jeanniard du Dot, I. Jonsen, T.R. Keates, K.M. Kovacs, S. Labrousse, P. Lovell, C. Lydersen, D. March, M. Mazloff, M.K. McKinzie, M.M.C. Muelbert, K. O’Brien, L. Phillips, E. Portela, J. Pye, S. Rintoul, K. Sato, A.M.M. Sequeira, S.E. Simmons, V.M. Tsontos, V. Turpin, E. Van Wijk, D. Vo, M. Wege, F.G. Whoriskey, K. Wilson, and B. Woodward. 2021. Animal borne ocean sensors – AniBOS – an essential component of the Global Ocean Observing System. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8: 1–21.

Meech, M.E., C.E. Mills, S.H.D. Haddock, and R.W. Meech. 2021. Two swimming modes in Trachymedusae; bell kinematics and the role of giant axons. Journal of Experimental Biology, 224: 1–12.

Merza, E., T. Kozakiewicz, M. Reyes, C. Ebi, P. Isles, M. Baity-Jesi, P. Roberts, J.S. Jaffe, S.R. Dennis, T. Hardeman, N. Stevens, T. Lorimer, and F. Pomatia. 2021. Underwater dual-magnification imaging for automated lake plankton monitoring. Water Research, 203: 1–12.

Micallef, A., C.K. Paull, N. Saadatkhah, and O. Bialik. 2021. The role of fluid seepage in the erosion of Mesozoic carbonate escarpments. JGR Earth Surface, 126: 1–25.

Miller, S.D., S.H.D. Haddock, W.C. Straka III, C.J. Seaman, C.L. Combs, M. Wang, W. Shi, and S. Nam. 2021. Honing in on bioluminescent milky seas from space. Scientific Reports, 11: 1–10.

Montseny, M., C. Linares, M. Carreiro-Silva, L.A. Henry, D. Billett, E.E. Cordes, C.J. Smith, N. Papadopoulou, M. Bilan, F. Girard, H.L. Burdett, A. Larsson, S. Strömberg, N. Viladrich, J.P. Barry, P. Baena, A. Godinho, J. Grinyó, A. Santín, T. Morato, A.K. Sweetman, J.M. Gili, and A. Gori. 2021. Active ecological restoration of cold-water corals: techniques, challenges, costs, and future directions. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8: 1–21.

Moore, S.K, J.B. Mickett, G.J. Doucette, N.G. Adams, C.M. Mikulski, J.M. Birch, B. Roman, N. Michel-Hart, J.A.. 2021. An Autonomous Platform for Near Real-Time Surveillance of Harmful Algae and Their Toxins in Dynamic Coastal Shelf Environments. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(3): 336.

Negrete-Aranda, R., F. Neumann, J. Contreras, R.N. Harris, R.M. Spelz, R. Zierenberg, and D.W. Caress. 2021. Transport of heat by hydrothermal circulation in a young rift setting: Observations from the Auka and JaichMaa Ja'ag' vent field in the Pescadero Basin, southern Gulf of California. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(8): 1–20.  

Paduan, J., D. Clague, D. Caress, M. Le Saout, and B. Dreyer. 2021. Systematic variations in lava flow morphology along the north and south rift zones of Axial Seamount. AGU Meeting, Fall 2020: 1–20.

Pagniello, C.M.L.S., J. Butler, A. Rosen, A. Sherwood, P.L.D. Roberts, P.E. Parnell, J.S. Jaffe, and A. Širović. 2021. An optical imaging system for capturing images in low-light aquatic habitats using only ambient light. Oceanography, 34(3): 71–77.

Paull, C.K., S.R. Dallimore, D.W. Caress, R. Gwiazda, E. Lundsten, K. Anderson, H. Melling, Y.K. Jin, M.J. Duchesne, S.G. Kang, S. Kim, M. Riedel, E.L. King, and T. Lorenson. 2021. A 100-km wide slump along the upper slope of the Canadian Arctic was likely preconditioned for failure by brackish pore water flushing. Marine Geology, 435: 1–16.

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