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McAdoo, B.G., D.L. Orange, E. Screaton, H. Lee, and R. Kayen. 1997. Slope Basins, headless canyons, and submarine paleoseismicity of the cascadia accretionary complex. Basin Research, 9: 313–324.
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Scholin, C., P. Miller, K. Buck, F. Chavez, P. Harris, P. Haydock, J. Howard, and G. Cangelosi. 1997. Detection and quantification of Pseudo-nitzschia australis in cultured and natural populations using LSU rRNA-targeted probes. Limnology and Oceanography, 42: 1265–1272.
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Buck, K.R., F.P. Chavez, and L. Campbell. 1996. Basin-wide distributions of living carbon components and the inverted trophic pyramid of the central gyre of the North Atlantic Ocean, summer 1993. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 10: 283–298.
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