Year Published

Displaying 2101-2200 of 2,841 Publications


Nelson, D.M., R.F. Anderson, R.T. Barber, M.A. Brzezinski, K.O. Buesseler, Z. Chase, R.W. Collier, M.L. Dickson, R. François, M. Hiscock, S. Honjo, J. Marra, W.R. Martin, R.N. Sambrotto, F.L. Sayles, and D.E. Sigmon. 2002. Vertical budgets for organic carbon and biogenic silica in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean 1996–1998. Deep-Sea Research II, 49: 1645–1673.

Orange, D.L., J. Yun, N. Maher, J.P. Barry, and H.G. Greene. 2002. Tracking California seafloor seeps with bathymetry, backscatter and ROVs. Continental Shelf Research, 22: 2273–2290.

Orphan, V.J., C.H. House, K.U. Hinrichs, K.D. McKeegan, and E.F. DeLong. 2002. Multiple archaeal groups mediate methane oxidation in anoxic cold seep sediments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 99: 7663–7668.

Paull, C.K. 2002. Continental margin gas hydrate: Slope stability, geo-hazard, and climate connections; Onshore-offshore relationships on the Nordic Atlantic margin. Proceedings of the Norwegian Geological Society, 2: 158–161.

Paull, C.K., P.G. Brewer, W. Ussler, III, E.T. Peltzer, G. Rehder, and D.A. Clague. 2002. Evaluation of marine slumping as a mechanism to transfer methane from seafloor gas hydrate deposits into the upper ocean and atmosphere. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Gas Hydrates, 1: 31–35.

Peltzer, E.T., P.G. Brewer, R.M. Dunk, J. Erickson, G. Rehder, and P.M. Walz. 2002. Recent advances in deep-sea CO2 sequestration experiments. American Chemical Society Fuel Chemistry Division Preprints, 47: 23–24.

Peperzak, L., B. Sandee, C. Scholin, P. Miller, and L. Van Nieuwerburgh. 2002. Application and flow cytometric detection of antibody and rRNA probes to Gymnodinium mikimotoi (Dinophyceae) and Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries (Bacillariophyceae). Harmful Algal Blooms 2000: 206–209.

Pernthaler, A., C.M. Preston, J. Pernthaler, E.F. DeLong, and R. Amann. 2002. Comparison of fluorescently labeled oligonucleotide and polynucleotide probes for the detection of pelagic marine bacteria and archaea. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68: 661–667.

Price, J., and D.A. Clague. 2002. How old is the Hawaiian biota? Geology and phylogeny suggest recent divergence. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B, Biological Sciences, 269: 2429–2435.

Raskoff, K.A. 2002. Foraging, prey capture, and gut contents of the mesopelagic narcomedusa Solmissus spp. (Cnidaria: Hydrozoa). Marine Biology, 141: 1099–1107.

Rehder, G., P.G. Brewer, E.T. Peltzer, and G.E. Friederich. 2002. Enhanced lifetime of methane bubble streams within the deep ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 29: 21-1–21-4.

Reznick, D.N., M. Mateos, and M.S. Springer. 2002. Independent origins and rapid evolution of the placenta in the fish genus Poeciliopsis. Science, 298: 1018–1020.

Rhodes, L., C. Scholin, J. Tyrrell, J. Adamson , and K. Todd. 2002. The integration of DNA probes into New Zealand's routine phytoplankton monitoring programmes. Harmful Algal Blooms 2000: 429–432.

Robison, B.H. 2002. Submersibles in oceanographic research. Oceanographic History: the Pacific and Beyond. Proceedings of the Fifth International Congress on the History of Oceanography: 556.

Ryan, J.P., F.P. Chavez, J.G. Bellingham, E. Rienecker, R. Kudela, A. Vander Woude, R. Maffione, and A. Fischer. 2002. Environmental processes in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary: Studies integrating AVIRIS and synoptic in situ sensing. Proceedings of the Eleventh JPL Airborne Earth Science Workshop: 307–318.

Scholin, C.A., E. Vrieling, L. Peperzak, L. Rhodes, and P. Rublee. 2002. Detection of HAB species using lectin, antibody, and DNA probes. Manual on Harmful Marine Microalgae.

Schwarz, J.N., P. Kowalczuk, S. Kaczmarek, G.F. Cota, B.G. Mitchell, M. Kahru, F.P. Chavez, A. Cunningham, D. McKee, P. Gege, M. Kishino, D.A. Phinney, and R. Raine. 2002. Two models for absorption by coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM). Oceanologia, 44: 209–241.

Sharp, J.H., C.A. Carlson, E.T. Peltzer, D.M. Castle-Ward, K.B. Savidge, and K.R. Rinker. 2002. Final dissolved organic carbon broad community intercalibration and preliminary use of DOC reference materials. Marine Chemistry, 77(4): 239–253.

Sibenac, M., W.J. Kirkwood, R. McEwen, F. Shane, R. Henthorn, D. Gashler, and H. Thomas. 2002. Modular AUV for routine deep water science operations. MTS/IEEE Oceans 2002: 167–172.

Stakes, D.S., B. Romanowicz, M. Begnaud, K.C. McNally, J.P. Montagner, E. Stutzman, and M. Pasyanos. 2002. The MBARI margin seismology experiment. Science-Technology Synergy for Research in Marine Environment: Challenges for the XXI Century: 93–110.

Stratton, S., K. Brekke, C.K. Paull, M. Conway, C.T. Dawe, W. Ussler III, P. Mitts, and G.H. Greene. 2002. Development of an ROV deployed vibracoring system. Proceedings of Underwater Intervention 2002, N–1–3: 6.

Tervalon, N., and R. Henthorn. 2002. Ice profiling sonar for an AUV: Experience in the Arctic. MTS/IEEE Oceans 2002: 305–310.

Tyrrell, J.V., L.B. Connell, and C.A. Scholin. 2002. Monitoring for Heterosigma akashiwo using a sandwich hybridization assay. Harmful Algae, 1: 205–214.

Ussler III, W., C.K. Paull, P. McGill, D. Schroeder, and D. Ferrell. 2002. Estimating in situ sediment gas concentrations in ODP boreholes by continuously monitoring temperature during core recovery. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Gas Hydrate, 1: 210–215.

Van Dover, C.L., C.R. German, K.G. Speer, L.M. Parson, and R.C. Vrijenhoek. 2002. Evolution and biogeography of deep-sea vent and seep invertebrates. Science, 295: 1253–1257.

White, S.N., A.D. Chave, G.T. Reynolds, and C.L. Van Dover. 2002. Ambient light emission from hydrothermal vents on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Geophysical Research Letters, 29: 1–4.

Wirsen, C.O., S.M. Sievert, C.M. Cavanaugh, S.J. Molyneaux, A. Ahmad, L.T. Taylor, E.F. DeLong, and C.D. Taylor. 2002. Characterization of an autotrophic sulfide-oxidizing marine arcobacter sp. that produces filamentous sulfur. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 68: 316–325.

Won, Y.J., P.A.Y. Maas, C.L. Van Dover, and R.C. Vrijenhoek. 2002. Habitat reversal in vent and seep mussels: seep species, Bathymodiolus heckerae, derived from vent ancestors. Cahiers de Biologie Marine, 34: 387–390.

Zeidberg, L.D., and W.M. Hamner. 2002. Distribution of squid paralarvae, Loligo opalescens (Cephalopoda: Myopsida), in the Southern California Bight in the three years following the 1997–1998 El Niño. Marine Biology, 141: 111–122.


Barker, B.A.J., D.L. Davis, and G.P. Smith. 2001. The calibration of laser-referenced underwater cameras for quantitative assessment of marine resources. Marine Technology Society/Institue of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (MTS/EEE) Oceans 2001: An Ocean Odyssey: 1854–1859.

Béjà, O., E.N. Spudich, J.L. Spudich, M. Leclerc, and E.F. DeLong. 2001. Proteorhodopsin phototrophy in the ocean. Nature, 411: 786–789.

Bellingham, J.G., E. Cokelet, W.J. Kirkwood, N. Tervalon, H. Thomas, M. Sibenac, D. Gashler, R. McEwen, R. Henthorn, F. Shane, D.J. Osborne, K. Johnson, J. Overland, P. Stein, A. Bahlavouni, and D. Anderson. 2001. Field results for an Arctic AUV designed for characterizing circulation and ice thickness. American Geophysical Union.

Bernhard, J.M., K.R. Buck, and J.P. Barry. 2001. Monterey Bay cold-seep biota: Assemblages, abundance, and ultrastructure of living foraminifera. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 48: 2233–2249.

Borowski, W.S., N. Cagatay, Y.G. Ternois, C.K. Paull, L.D. Keigwin, D. Rio, G.D. Acton, G.G. Bianchi, W.P. Chaisson, B.M. Clement, E. Cortijo, G.B. Dunbar, R.D. Flood, S.O. Franz, L. Giosan, J. Gruetzner, S. Hagen, B. Haskell, M.J. Horowitz, E.P. Laine, S.P. Lund, M. Okada, M.S. Poli, I. Raffi, M.K. Reuer, T. Williams, D.M. Winter, and M.E. Yokokawa. 2001. Carbon isotopic composition of dissolved CO2, CO2 gas, and methane, Blake-Bahama Ridge and Northeast Bermuda Rise, ODP Leg 172. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results.

Brewer, P.G., and T. Moore. 2001. Ocean sciences at the new millennium: 152.

Brown, M., M. Kelley, and P. McGill. 2001. MBARI Vertical Profiler. MTS/IEEE Oceans 2001: An Ocean Odyssey: 2482–2485.

Caress, D.W., and D.N. Chayes. 2001. MB-System version 5.0.beta12. Open source software distributed from the MBARI and L-Deo web sites.

Caress, D.W., and W. Kirkwood. 2001. High resolution mapping with AUVs: payload development issues in support of oceanographic science. AUV Sensor Workshop.

Case, J.F., P.J. Herring, B.H. Robison, S.H.D. Haddock, L.J. Kricka, and P.E. Stanley. 2001. Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence 2000: 517.

Castro, C.G., F.P. Chavez, and C. Collins. 2001. The role of the California Undercurrent in the export of denitrified waters from the eastern tropical North Pacific. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21: 819–830.

Chaffey, M., E. Mellinger, and W. Paul. 2001. Communications and power to the seafloor: MBARI's ocean observing system mooring concept. MTS/IEEE Oceans 2001: An Ocean Odyssey: 2473–2481.

Chase, Z., R. Anderson, and M.Q. Fleisher. 2001. Evidence from authigenic uranium for increased productivity of the glacial Subantarctic Ocean. Paleoceanography, 16: 468–478.

Chave, A.D., H. Kirkham, A.R. Maffei, G. Massion, H. Frazier, A. Bradley, S.J. Gauder, W. Wilcock, D.H. Rodgers, P.M. Beauchamp, J.C. Madden, and B.M. Howe. 2001. The NEPTUNE Scientific Submarine Cable System. SubOptic 2001: The Fourth International Convention on Undersea Communications.

Chayes, D., N. Tervalon, and R. Anderson. 2001. Ice profiling sonars: A comparison of error budgets. MTS/IEEE Oceans 2001: An Ocean Odyssey: 1513–1522.

Clague, D.A., N. Maher, and C.K. Paull. 2001. High-resolution multibeam survey of Hydrate Ridge, offshore Oregon. Natural gas hydrate: Occurrence, distribution, and detection, 124: 297–303.

Clague, D.A., R. Zierenberg, A. Davis, S. Goffredi, J. McClain, N. Maher, E. Olsen, V. Orphan, S. Ross, and K. Von Damm. 2001. MBARI's 2000 expedition to the Gorda Ridge. RIDGE Events, 11: 5–12.

Cline, D., T.C. O'Reilly, T. Meese, B. Roman, and D. Edgington. 2001. The Environmental Sample Processor (ESP) software design: Software for detection and quantification of microorganisms. MTS/IEEE Oceans 2001: An Ocean Odyssey: 287–294.

Colbert, D., K.H. Coale, W.M. Berelson, and K.S. Johnson. 2001. Cadmium flux in Los Angeles/Long Beach Harbours and at sites along the California Continental Margin. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 53: 169–180.

Connor, J.L. 2001. California's Living Marine Resources: A Status Report. Nearshore marine plant resources: Overview: 273.

Connor, J.L. 2001. Nearshore marine plant resources: Overview. California's Living Marine Resources: A Status Report: 273.

Cooper, K.M., M.R. Reid, M.T. Murrell, and D.A. Clague. 2001. Crystal and magma residence at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii: 230Th-226Ra dating of the 1955 east rift eruption. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 184: 703–718.

DeLong, E.F. 2001. A phylogenetic perspective on hyperthermophilic microorganisms. Methods in Enzymology, 330: 3–11.

DeLong, E.F. 2001. Microbial seascapes revisited. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 4: 290–295.

DeLong, E.F., and N.R. Pace. 2001. Environmental diversity of bacteria and archaea. Systematic Biology, 50: 470–478.

Dickey, T., S. Zedler, X. Yu, S.C. Doney, D. Frye, H. Jannasch, D. Manov, D. Sigurdson, J.D. McNeil, L. Dobeck, T. Gilboy, C. Bravo, D.A. Siegel, and N. Nelson. 2001. Physical and biogeochemical variability from hours to years at the Bermuda Testbed Mooring site: June 1994-March 1998. Deep-Sea Research II, 48: 2105–2140.

Dixon, J.E., and D.A. Clague. 2001. Volatiles in basaltic glasses from Loihi Seamount, Hawaii: Evidence for a relatively dry plume component. Journal of Petrology, 42: 627–654.

Ducklow, H., C. Carlson, M. Church, D. Kirchman, D. Smith, and G. Steward. 2001. The seasonal development of the bacterioplankton bloom in the Ross Sea, Antarctica, 1994–1997. Deep Sea research II, 48: 4199–4221.

Ducklow, H.W., D.C. Smith, L. Campbell, M.R. Landry, H.L. Quinby, G.F. Steward, and F. Azam. 2001. Heterotrophic bacterioplankton in the Arabian Sea: Basinwide response to year-round high primary productivity.. Deep-Sea Research II, 48: 1303–1323.

Dyer, A., K. Soole, and G.I. Matsumoto. 2001. Quantitative TaqMan PCR without a real-time thermal cycler: An assay for fish insulin-like growth factor I messenger RNA. Marine Biotechnology, 3: 16–21.

Edgington, D.R., T.C. O'Reilly, D. Davis, R. Henthorn, M.P. McCann, T. Meese, W. Radochonski, M. Risi, B. Roman, and R. Schramm. 2001. "Smart Network" infrastructure for the MBARI Ocean Observatory Observing System. MTS/IEEE Oceans 2001: An Ocean Odyssey: 1276–1282.

Erickson, J., P.G. Brewer, G.E. Friederich, and E.T. Peltzer. 2001. Design and operation of a pressure retaining sampler for sedimentary gases and gas hydrates. MTS/IEEE Oceans 2001: An Ocean Odyssey: 2396–2399.

Freezor, M.D., F.Y. Sorrell, P.R. Blankinship, and J.G. Bellingham. 2001. Autonomous underwater vehicle homing/docking via electromagnetic guidance. Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 26: 515–521.

Freytag, J.K., P.R. Girguis, D.C. Bergquist, J.P. Andras , J.J. Childress, and C.R. Fisher. 2001. A paradox resolved: Sulfide acquisition by roots of seep tubeworms sustains net chemoautotrophy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 98: 13408–13413.

Goffredi, S.K., and J.J. Childress. 2001. Activity and inhibitor sensitivity of ATPases in the hydrothermal vent tubeworm Riftia pachyptila: A comparative approach. Marine Biology, 138: 259–265.

Guenther, E.A., K.S. Johnson, and K.H. Coale. 2001. Direct ultraviolet spectrophotmetric determination of total sulfide and iodide in natural waters. Analytical Chemistry, 73: 3481–3487.

Haddock, S.H.D., TJ. Rivers, and B.H. Robison. 2001. Can coelenterates make coelenterazine? Dietary requirement for luciferin in cnidarian bioluminescence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 98: 11148–11151.

Halanych, K.M., R.A. Feldman, and R.C. Vrijenhoek. 2001. Molecular evidence that Sclerolinum brattstromi is closely related to vestimentiferans, no to frenulate pogonophorans (Siboglinidae, Annlida). Biological Bulletin, 201: 65–75.

Harbison, G.R., G.I. Matsumoto, and B.H. Robison. 2001. Lampocteis cruentiventer gen. nov., sp. nov.: A new mesopelagic lobate ctenophore, representing the type of a new family (Class Tentaculata, Order Lobata, Family Lampoctenidae, fam. nov.). Bulletin of Marine Science, 68: 299–311.

Jannasch, H.W., P.R. McGill, M. Zdeblick, and J. Erickson. 2001. Integrated microanalyzers with frozen plug valves. Micro Total Analysis Systems 2001: 526–530.

Johnson, K.S. 2001. Iron supply and demand in the upper ocean: Is extraterrestrial dust a significant source of bioavailable iron? Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 15: 61–63.

Johnson, K.S., F.P. Chavez, V.A. Elrod, S.E. Fitzwater, J.T. Pennington, K.R. Buck, and P.M. Walz. 2001. The annual cycle of iron and the biological response in central California coastal waters. Geophysical Research Letters, 28: 1247–1250.

Karner, M.B., E.F. Delong, and D.M. Karl. 2001. Archaeal dominance in the mesopelagic zone of the Pacific Ocean. Nature, 409: 507–510.

Kirkwood, W.J., D. Au, D. Gashler, M. Greise, R. McEwen, E. Mellinger, T. O'Reilly, F. Shane, G. Thurmond, and K. Streitlien. 2001. MBARI/MIT ducted propeller control system developed for autonomous underwater vehicles. Underwater Intervention 2001.

Kirkwood, W.J., D. Gashler, H. Thomas, T.C. O'Reilly, R. McEwen, N. Tervalon, F. Shane, D. Au, M. Sibenac, T. Konvalina, A. Bahlavouni, and J.G. Bellingham. 2001. Development of a long endurance autonomous underwater vehicle for ocean science exploration. MTS/IEEE Oceans 2001: An Ocean Odyssey: 1504–1512.

Kirkwood, W.J., H. Thomas, M. Sibenac, N. Tervalon, R. McEwen, F. Shane, R. Henthorn, D. Gashler, E. Mellenger, D. Au, T. O'Reilly, and J.G. Bellingham. 2001. An autonomous underwater vehicle system for Arctic operations. Arctic Instrumentation Workshop.

Kirkwood, W.J., J.G. Bellingham, J. Stannard, P. Stein, and J. Overland. 2001. Development of Dorado/ALTEX vehicle and subsystems. Society for Underwater Techonolgy - AUV Masterclass Symposium.

Kleinberg, R.L., and P.G. Brewer. 2001. Probing gas hydrate deposits. American Scientist, 89: 244–251.

Land, L.A., and C.K. Paull. 2001. Thermal gradients as a tool for estimating groundwater advective rates in a coastal estuary: White Oak River, North Carolina, USA. Journal of Hydrology, 248: 198–215.

Liu, S.C., J. Kramer, D. Edgington, and T. Delbruck. 2001. Making direction selective cells using AER retina and spiking neurons. 2001 Workshop on Neuromorphic Engineering: 94–96.

Maffei, A.R., A.D. Chave, G. Massion, S.N. White, J. Bailey, S. Lerner, A. Bradley, D. Yoerger, H. Frazier, and R. Buddenberg. 2001. NEPTUNE gigabit ethernet submarine cable system. MTS/IEEE Oceans 2001: An Ocean Odyssey: 1303–1310.

MBARI Mapping Team. 2001. MBARI Northern California and Oregon Margin Multibeam Survey, CD-ROM, MBARI Digital Data Series.

MBARI Mapping Team. 2001. MBARI Northern California and Oregon Margin Multibeam Survey, CD-ROM.

MBARI Mapping Team. 2001. MBARI West Coast Seamounts and Ridges Multibeam Survey, CD–ROM.

MBARI Mapping Team. 2001. Santa Barbara Multibeam Survey, CD–ROM.

McEwen, R., and K. Streitlien. 2001. Modeling and Control of a Variable-Length AUV. International Symposium on Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology.

McGillicuddy Jr., D.J., V.K. Kosnyrev, J.P. Ryan, and J.A. Yoder. 2001. Covariation of mesoscale ocean color and sea-surface temperature patterns in the Sargasso Sea. Deep-Sea Research II, 48: 1823–1836.

McNutt, M.K. 2001. Engineering the ocean. The invisible Future: The seamless Integration of Technology in Everyday Life: 27–42.

McNutt, M.K., and R.D. Ballard. 2001. Two case studies of collaborations between aquariums and resesarch institutions in exploration and education. Marine Technology Society Journal, 35: 76–85.

Meese, T., D.R. Edgington, W. Radochonski, K. Headley, and S. Jensen. 2001. A new mooring controller platform: An evolution of the OASIS instrument controller toward a distributed ocean observing system. MTS/IEEE Oceans 2001: An Ocean Odyssey: 1296–1302.

Mellinger, E., T. Aabo, A. Bowen, C. Katz, and R.A. Petitt Jr. 2001. High voltage testing of an ROV electro-optical tether cable. MTS/IEEE Oceans 2001: An Ocean Odyssey: 1145–1150.

MUSE Project Team. 2001. MUSE Data August 2000: MOOS Upper-Water-Column Science Experiment, CD-ROM.