Year Published

Displaying 1701-1800 of 2,812 Publications


Ussler III, W., C.K. Paull, P. McGill, D. Schroeder, and D. Ferrell. 2006. Results of the temperature, pressure, and conductivity (TPC) tool on ODP leg 204. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program: Scientific Results 204.

Von Damm, K.L., C.M. Parker, M.D. Lilley, D.A. Clague, R.A. Zierenberg, E.J. Olson, and J.S. McClain. 2006. Chemistry of vent fluids and its implications for subsurface conditions at Sea Cliff hydrothermal field, Gorda Ridge. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 7: 1–18.

Webster, J.M., D.A. Clague, and J.C. Braga. 2006. Support for the Giant Wave Hypothesis: evidence from submerged terraces off Lanai, Hawaii. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 96: 517–524.

Webster, J.M., D.A. Clague, J.C. Braga, H. Spalding, W. Renema, C. Kelley, B. Applegate, J.R. Smith, C.K. Paull, J.G. Moore, and D. Potts. 2006. Drowned coralline algal dominated deposits off Lanai, Hawaii; carbonate accretion and vertical tectonics over the last 30 ka. Marine Geology, 225: 223–246.

White, S.N., R.M. Dunk, E.T. Peltzer, J.J. Freeman, and P.G. Brewer. 2006. In situ Raman analyses of deep-sea hydrothermal and cold seep systems (Gorda Ridge & Hydrate Ridge). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 7: 1–12.

Winters, W., T. Lorenson, and C.K. Paull. 2006. IMAGES VIII/PAGE 127 Gas Hydrate and Paleoclimate Cruise on the R/V Marion Dufresne in the Gulf of Mexico, 2–18 July 2002; Introduction, Chapter 1. Initial Report of the Images VIII/PAGE 127 Gas Hydrate and Paleoclimate Cruise on the R/V Marion Dufresne in the Gulf of Mexico, 2–18 July 2002, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1358.

Winters, W., T. Lorenson, and C.K. Paull. 2006. Initial report of the IMAGES VIII/PAGE 127 Gas Hydrate and Paleoclimate Cruise on the R/V Marion Dufresne in the Gulf of Mexico, 2–18 July 2002. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1358.

Winters, W., T. Lorenson, C.K. Paull, and Y. Balut. 2006. Coring and gas hydrate related operations during the IMAGES VIII/PAGE 127 gas hydrate and paleoclimate cruise on the R/V Marion Dufresne in the Gulf of Mexico, 2–18 July 2002; Chapter 3. Initial Report of the IMAGES/PAGE 127 Gas Hydrate and Paleoclimate Cruise on the R/V Marion Dufresne in the Gulf of Mexico, 2–18 July 2002, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1358.

Zeidberg, L.D., W.M. Hamner, N. Nezlin, and A. Henry. 2006. The fishery for California market squid (Loligo opalescens) (Cephalopoda: Myopsida), from 1981 through 2003. Fishery Bulletin, 104: 46–59.

Zhang, Y., and J.G. Bellingham. 2006. Synoptic chemical sampling with distributed mobile systems: A possibility? Arctic/Subarctic Ocean Fluxes Newsletter, 5: 11–18.


Ananyev, G., Z.S. Kolber, D. Klimov, P.G. Falkowski, J.A. Berry, U. Rascher, R. Martin, and B. Osmond. 2005. Remote sensing of heterogeneity in photosynthetic efficiency, electron transport, and dissipation of excess light in Populus deltoides stands under ambient and elevated CO2 concentrations, and in a tropical forest canopy, using a new laser-induced fluorescence transient (LIFT) device. Global Change Biology, 11: 1195–1206.

Anderson, D.M., D.M. Kulis, B.A. Keafer, K.E. Gribble, R. Marin III, and C.A. Scholin. 2005. Identification and enumeration of Alexandrium spp. from the Gulf of Maine using molecular probes. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 52: 2467–2490.

Ayers, K., L. Rhodes, J. Tyrrell, M. Gladstone, and C.A. Scholin. 2005. International accreditation of sandwich hybridisation assay format DNA probes for micro-algae. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 39: 1225–1231.

Babin, M., J.J. Cullen, C.S. Roesler, P.L. Donaghay, G.J. Doucette, M. Kahru, M.R. Lewis, C.A. Scholin, M.E. Sieracki, and H.M. Sosik. 2005. New approaches and technologies for observing harmful algal blooms. Oceanography, 18: 210–227.

Barry, J.P., K.R. Buck, C. Lovera, L. Kuhnz, and P.J. Whaling. 2005. Utility of deep-sea CO2 release experiments in understanding the biology of a high CO2 ocean: Effects of hypercapnia on deep-sea meiofauna. Journal of Geophysical Research, Oceans, 110: C09S12.

Bellingham, J.G., and Y. Zhang. 2005. Observing processes that vary in time and space with heterogeneous mobile networks. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Underwater Robotics: 9–16.

Bermudez, L., J. Graybeal, A. Isenor, R. Lowry, and D. Wright. 2005. Construction of marine vocabularies in the Marine Metadata Interoperability Project. Proceedings of the Marine Technology Society / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Oceans Conference.

Braby, C.E., and G.N. Somero. 2005. Ecological gradients and relative abundance of native (Mytilus trossulus) and invasive (Mytilus galloprovincialis) blue mussels in the California hybrid zone. Marine Biology, 148: 1249–1262.

Bresina, J., A. Jonsson, P. Morris, and K. Rajan. 2005. Activity planning for the Mars Exploration Rovers. Proceedings for the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling.

Brewer, P.G., E.T. Peltzer, P. Walz, I. Aya, K. Yamane, R. Kojima, Y. Nakajima, N. Nakayama, P. Haugan, and T. Johannessen. 2005. Deep ocean experiments with fossil fuel carbon dioxide: Creation and sensing of a controlled plume at 4 km depth. Journal of Marine Research, 63: 9–33.

Buck, K.R., R. Marin III, and F.P. Chavez. 2005. Heterotrophic dinoflagellate fecal pellet production: Grazing of large, chain-forming diatoms during upwelling events in Monterey Bay, California. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 40: 293–298.

Caldeira, K., M. Akai, P.G. Brewer, B. Chen, P. Haugan, T. Iwama, P. Johnston, H. Kheshgi, Q. Li, T. Ohsumi, H. Poertner, C. Sabine, Y. Shirayama, and J. Thomson. 2005. Ocean Storage. Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage: A special report of IPCC Working Group III: 279–317.

Caress, D.W., and D.N. Chayes. 2005. MB-System Version 5.0.6. Open source software distributed from the MBARI and L-DEO web sites, 5.0.6-5.0.7.

Chase, Z., K.S. Johnson, V.A. Elrod, J.N. Plant, S.E. Fitzwater, L. Pickell, and C.M. Sakamoto. 2005. Manganese and iron distributions off central California influenced by upwelling and shelf width. Marine Chemistry, 95: 235–254.

Chavez, F.P. 2005. Biological consequences of interannual to multidecadal variability. In the Sea V.13: 643–679.

Croll, D.A., B. Marinovic, S. Benson, F.P. Chavez, N. Black, R. Ternullo, and B.R. Tershy. 2005. From wind to whales: Trophic links in a coastal upwelling system. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 289: 117–130.

Davis, D.L. 2005. MBARI software infrastructure and applications for Monterey Ocean Observing Systems, Plug and Work Infrastructure. Standardisation in Seafloor Observatories.

Dawe, T.C., L.E. Bird, M. Talkovic, K. Brekke, D.J. Osborne, and S. Etchemendy. 2005. Operational support of regional cabled observatories, The MARS facility. Proceedings of the Marine Technology Society / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Oceans Conference.

DeVogelaere, A.P., E.J. Burton, T. Treju, C.E. King, D.A. Clague, M.N. Tamburri, G.M. Cailliet, R.E. Kochevar, and W.J. Duros. 2005. Deep-sea corals and resource protection at the Davidson Seamount, California, U.S.A.. Cold-Water Corals and Ecosystems: 1189–1198.

Dolenc, D., B. Romanowicz, D. Stakes, P. McGill, and D. Neuhauser. 2005. Observations of infragravity waves at the Monterey Ocean Bottom Broadband Station (MOBB). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 6: Q09002.

Drazen, J.C., L.E. Bird, and J.P. Barry. 2005. Development of a hyperbaric trap-respirometer for the capture and maintenance of live deep-sea organisms. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 3: 488–498.

Dunk, R.M., E.T. Peltzer, P. Walz, and P.G. Brewer. 2005. Seeing a deep ocean CO2 enrichment experiment in a new light: Laser raman detection of dissolved CO2 in seawater. Environmental Science Technology, 39: 9630–9636.

Dunn, C.W., P.R. Pugh, and S.H.D. Haddock. 2005. Marrus claudanielis, a new species of deep-sea physonect siphonophore (Siphonophora, Physonectae). Bulletin of Marine Science, 76: 699–714.

Dunn, C.W., P.R. Pugh, and S.H.D. Haddock. 2005. Molecular Phylogenetics of the Siphonophora (Cnidaria), with implications for the evolution of functional specialization. Systematic Biology, 54: 916–935.

Edgington, D.R. 2005. MBARI shore side data systems and marine metadata initiative, standards for seafloor observatories. Standardisation in Seafloor Observatories.

Edgington, D.R., and D. Davis. 2005. MBARI -The ORION/NSF Workshop on Instrument Software Infrastructure at MBARI, September 13–15, 2004. Standardisation in Seafloor Observatories.

Edgington, D.R., and D. Davis. 2005. Ocean observing system instrument network infrastructure. Proceedings of the Fourth EuroGOOS Conference.

Edgington, D.R., D. Oliver, D. Cline, R.E. Sherlock, B.H. Robison, M.A. Ranzato, and P. Perona. 2005. Automated annotation of midwater video transects: Taking a look at the distribution of Poeobius meseres in Monterey Bay during and after an El Niño. ASLO Summer Meeting.

Edgington, D.R., I. Kerkez, D. Cline, D. Oliver, M.A. Ranzato, and P. Perona. 2005. Detecting and tracking animals in underwater video. Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.

Edgington, D.R., I. Kerkez, D. Oliver, D. Cline, L. Kuhnz, D. Walther, M.A. Ranzato, and P. Perona. 2005. Detection and classification of Rathbunaster Californicus in underwater video. AGU Joint Assembly meeting.

Edgington, D.R., I. Kerkez, D. Oliver, D. Cline, R.E. Sherlock, B.H. Robison, L. Kuhnz, D. Walther, M.A. Ranzato, and P. Perona. 2005. Detection and classification of selected midwater and benthic organisms in underwater video. Proceedings of the International Ocean Research Conference.

Falkowski, P.G., M. Koblížek, M. Gorbunov, and Z.S. Kolber. 2005. Development and application of variable fluorescence techniques in marine ecosystems. Chlorophyll-a fluorescence: A Signature of Photosynthesis: 757–778.

Forrest, M.J., J. Ledesma-Vázquez, W. Ussler III, J.T. Kulongoski, D.R. Hilton, and H.G. Greene. 2005. Gas geochemistry of a shallow submarine hydrothermal vent associated with El Requesón fault zone in Bahía Concepción, Baja California Sur, México. Chemical Geology, 224: 82–95.

Girguis, P.R., A. Cozen, and E.F. DeLong. 2005. Growth rates of methane-oxidizing archaeal-bacterial consortia in deep-sea marine sediments: Insights into the physiology of microbially-mediated anaerobic methane oxidation. Applied Environmental Microbiology, 71: 3725–3733.

Goericke, R., E. Venrick, A. Mantyla, S.J. Bograd, F.B. Schwing, A. Huyer, R.L. Smith, P.A. Wheeler, R. Hooff, W.T. Peterson, F.P. Chavez, C. Collins, B. Marinovic, N. Lo, G. Gaxiola-Castro, R. Durazo, K.D. Hyrenbach, and W.J. Sydeman. 2005. The State of California Current, 2004–2005: Still cool? California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports, 46: 32–72.

Goffredi, S.K., V.J. Orphan, G.W. Rouse, L. Jahnke, T. Embaye, K. Turk, R. Lee, and R.C. Vrijenhoek. 2005. Evolutionary innovation: A bone-eating marine symbiosis. Environmental Microbiology, 7: 1369–1378.

Goffredi, S.K., W.J. Jones, C.A. Scholin, R. Marin III, and R.C. Vrijenhoek. 2005. Molecular detection of marine larvae. Marine Molecular Biotechnology, 8: 1–12.

Gomes, K., F.P. Chavez, and J. Graybeal. 2005. From raw data to observing products with SSDS: Fishes to Wishes. Proceedings of the Marine Technology Society / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Oceans Conference.

Graybeal, J., and K. Gomes. 2005. Technical advances in comprehensive oceanographic data management. Proceedings of IEEE Oceans 2005 Europe.

Graybeal, J., J.G. Bellingham, and F.P. Chavez. 2005. Data systems for ocean observation programs. Sea Technology, 46.

Graybeal, J., L. Bermudez, and K. Brink. 2005. Improving ocean research (meta)data managment. ORION Newsletter, 2.

Greenfield, D.I., and H.L. Bart Jr. 2005. Long-term fish community dynamics from a blackwater stream receiving kraft mill effluent between 1973 and 1988. Hydrobiologia, 534: 81–90.

Greenfield, D.I., D.J. Lonsdale, and R.M. Cerrato. 2005. Linking phytoplankton community composition with juvenile-phase growth in the northern quahog Mercenaria mercenaria (L.). Estuaries, 28: 241–251.

Haddock, S.H.D., and C.W. Dunn. 2005. The complex world of siphonophores. JMBA Global Marine Environment, 2: 24–25.

Haddock, S.H.D., and J.N. Heine. 2005. Scientific blue-water diving. California Sea Grant.

Haddock, S.H.D., C.W. Dunn, and P.R. Pugh. 2005. A reexamination of siphonophore terminology and morphology, applied to the description of two new prayine species with remarkable bio-optical properties. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 85: 695–707.

Haffa, A.L.M., S. Lin, R. LoBrutto, J.C. Williams, A.K.W. Taguchi, J.P. Allen, and N.W. Woodbury. 2005. Environmental control of primary photochemistry in a mutant bacterial reaction center. Journal of Physical Chemistry: B, 109: 19923–19928.

Hamilton, J.A., and M. Chaffey. 2005. Use of an electro-optical-mechanical mooring cable for oceanographic buoys: Modeling and validation. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering.

Haugan, P.M., P.G. Brewer, E.T. Peltzer, P. Walz, I. Aya, K. Yamane, R. Kojima, Y. Nakajima, N. Nakayama, J. Hove, T. Johannessen, R.G.J. Bellerby, and G. Alendal. 2005. Ocean abyssal carbon experiments at 0.7 and 4 KM depth. In: Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies 7, Vancouver, 2004, 801–808.

Hendricks, M.B., M.L. Bender, B.A. Barnett, P. Strutton, and F.P. Chavez. 2005. The triple oxygen isotope composition of dissolved O2 in the equatorial Pacific: A tracer of mixing, production, and respiration. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110: C12021.

Herren, C.M., S.H.D. Haddock, C. Johnson, M.A. Moline, C.M. Orrico, and J.F. Case. 2005. A multi-platform bathyphotometer for fine-scale, coastal bioluminescence research. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 3: 247–262.

Holland, N.D., D.A. Clague, D.P. Gordon, A. Gebruk, D.L. Pawson, and M. Vecchione. 2005. 'Lophenteropneust' hypothesis refuted by collection and photos of new deep-sea hemichordates. Nature, 434: 374–376.

Hopcroft, R.R., and B.H. Robison. 2005. New mesopelagic larvaceans in the genus Fritillaria from Monterey Bay, California. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 85: 655–678.

Kirkwood, W., D. Graves, M. Conway, D. Pargett, J. Scholfield, P. Walz, R.M. Dunk, E.T. Peltzer, J. Barry, and P.G. Brewer. 2005. Engineering development of the free ocean CO2 enrichment (FOCE) experiment. Proceedings of the Marine Technology Society / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Oceans Conference.

Koblížek, M, J.D. Shih, S.I. Breitbart, E.C. Ratcliffe, Z.S. Kolber, C.N. Hunter, and R.A. Niederman. 2005. Sequential assembly of photosynthetic units in Rhodobacter sphaeroides as revealed by fast repetition rate analysis of variable bacteriochlorophyll-a fluorescence. BBA Bioenergetics, 1706: 220–231.

Koblížek, M., J. Ston-Egiert, S. Sagan, and Z.S. Kolber. 2005. Diel changes in bacteriochlorophyll-a concentration suggest rapid bacterioplankton cycling in the Baltic Sea. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 51: 353–361.

Kolber, Z.S., D. Klimov, G. Ananyev, U. Rascher, J. Berry, and B. Osmond. 2005. Measuring photosynthetic parameters at a distance: Laser Induced Fluorescence Transient (LIFT) method for remote measurements of PSII in terrestrial vegetation. Photosynthesis Research, 84: 121–129.

LaGier, M.J., C.A. Scholin, J.W. Fell, J. Wang, and K.D. Goodwin. 2005. An electrochemical RNA hybridization assay for detection of the fecal indicator bacterium Escherichia coli. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 50: 1251–1261.

Macpherson, E., W.J. Jones, and M. Segonzac. 2005. A new squat lobster family of Galatheoidea (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) from the Hydrothermal vents of the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge. Zoosystema, 27: 709–723.

Matsumoto, G.I. 2005. EARTH: Alphabet soup or opportunity knocking?. National Science Teachers Association High School Teacher Magazine, September.

Matsumoto, G.I., and R. Bell. 2005. EARTH Program providing resources for educators. Newsletter of the Ocean Research Interactive Observatory Networks (ORION), 1: 4–5.

McDonnell, J., L. Hotaling, G.I. Matsumoto, C. Parsons, B. Meeson, and R. Bell. 2005. Using ocean observing systems data in K-12 classrooms: Proceedings from a workshop exploring the merit and feasibility of developing a National Ocean Observing Systems (NOOS) Education Product. Proceedings of the Marine Technology Society / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Oceans Conference.

Meese, T., W. Radochonski, and M. Chaffey. 2005. Medusa: The design and development of a TCP/IP communications nexus for the MOOS portable observatory program. Proceedings of the Marine Technology Society / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Oceans Conference.

Merritt, T.J.S., C.R. Young, R.G. Vogt, R.C. Wilkerson, and J.M. Quattro. 2005. Intron retention identifies a malaria vector within the Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitaris complex (Diptera: Culicidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 35: 719–724.

Miller, S.D, S.H.D. Haddock, C.D. Elvidge, and T.F. Lee. 2005. Detection of a bioluminescent milky sea from space. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102: 14181–14184.

Myslinski, T.J., T.M. Frank, and E.A. Widder. 2005. Correlation between photosensitivity and downwelling irradiance in mesopelagic crustaceans. Marine Biology, 147: 619–629.

Nakayama, N., E.T. Peltzer, P. Walz, and P.G. Brewer. 2005. First results from a controlled deep-sea CO2 perturbation experiment: Evidence for rapid equilibrium of the oceanic CO2 system at depth. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110: C09S11.

Nezlin, N., W.M. Hamner, and L.D. Zeidberg. 2005. Influence of El Niño 1997–1998 on the Pelagic Ecosystem off California: Remote Sensed Analysis. California and the World Ocean '02: 1233–1252.

O'Reilly, T., M. Risi, D.R. Edgington, K. Headley, and J. Connor. 2005. Plug and work instruments for ocean observatories. Newsletter of the Ocean Research Interactive Observatory Networks (ORION), 1.

Paul, W., M. Chaffey, A. Hamilton, and S. Boduch. 2005. The use of snubbers as strain limiters in ocean moorings. Proceedings of the Marine Technology Society / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Oceans Conference.

Paull, C.K., B. Schlining, W. Ussler, J.B. Paduan, D. Caress, and H.G. Greene. 2005. Distribution of chemosynthetic biological communities in Monterey Bay, California. Geology, 33: 85–88.

Paull, C.K., E. Araki, and A. Klaus. 2005. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 312 Scientific Prospectus, Monterey Borehole Observatory, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program: 47.

Paull, C.K., P. Mitts, W. Ussler III, R. Keaten, and H.G. Greene. 2005. Trail of sand in upper Monterey Canyon. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 117: 1134–1145.

Paull, C.K., W. Ussler III, E.T. Peltzer, P.G. Brewer, R. Keaten, P. Mitts, J.C. Herguera, E. Perez, J. Nealon, T.H. Naehr, J. Greinert, and J.A. Barron. 2005. Carbon signatures entombed in methane-soaked hydrate-bearing sediments: Preliminary results. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Gas Hydrates, V.3, Exploration, Resources and Environment: 699–708.

Paull, C.K., W. Ussler III, H.G. Greene, J. Barry, and R. Keaten. 2005. Bioerosion by chemosynthetic biological communities on holocene submarine slide scars. Geo-Marine Letters, 25: 11–19.

Paull, C.K., W. Ussler III, T. Lorenson, W. Winters, and J. Dougherty. 2005. Geochemical constraints on the distribution of gas hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico. Geo-Marine Letters, 25: 273–280.

Paull, C.K., W. Ussler, III, J. Barry, H.G. Greene, and R. Keaten. 2005. Bioerosion by chemosynthetic biological communities on Holocene slide scars. Geo-Marine Letters, 25: 11–19.

Ramp, S.R., J.D. Paduan, I. Shulman, J. Kindle, F.L. Bahr, and F.P. Chavez. 2005. Observations of upwelling and relaxation events in the northern Monterey Bay during August 2000. Journal of Geophysical Research, 110: C07013.

Raskoff, K.A., and B.H. Robison. 2005. A novel mutualistic relationship between a doliolid and a cnidarian, Bythotiara dolioeques sp. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 85: 583–593.

Reed, J., S.A. Pomponi, D. Weaver, C.K. Paull, and A.E. Wright. 2005. Deep-water sinkholes and bioherms of south Florida and the Pourtales Terrace- habitat and fauna. Bulletin of Marine Science, 77: 267–296.

Ricketts, E.R., J.P. Kennett, T.M. Hill, and J.P. Barry. 2005. Effects of CO2 hydrate on deep-sea foraminiferal assemblages. Proceedings of the Marine Technology Society / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Oceans Conference.

Riestenberg, D., C. Tsouris, P.G. Brewer, E.T. Peltzer, P. Walz, A. Chow, and E. Adams. 2005. Field studies on the formation of sinking CO2 particles for ocean carbon sequestration: Effects of injector geometry on particle density and dissolution rate and model simulation of plume behavior. Environmental Science Technology, 39: 7287–7293.

Robison, B.H., K.A. Raskoff, and R.E. Sherlock. 2005. Adaptations for living deep: A new, bathypelagic doliolid from the eastern North Pacific. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 85: 595–602.