Year Published

Displaying 1301-1400 of 2,812 Publications


Frolov, S., Z. Lu, R. van der Merwe, T.K. Leen, and A.M. Baptista. 2009. Fast data assimilation using a nonlinear Kalman filter and a model surrogate: An application to the Columbia River Estuary. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 48: 16–45.

Gertz, M., C. Rueda, and J. Zhang. 2009. Interoperability and data integration in the geosciences. Scientific Data Management: Challenges, Existing Technology, and Deployment: 366–398.

Gillespie, R., and D. Clague. Encyclopedia of Islands, edited by R.G. Gillespie and D.A. Clague, 1074. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009.

Gorokhova, E., M. Lehtiniemi, S. Viitasalo-Frösen, and S.H.D. Haddock. 2009. Molecular evidence for the occurrence of ctenophore Mertensia ovum in the northern Baltic Sea and implications for current distribution of the invasive species Mnemiopsis leidyi. Limnology and Oceanography, 54: 2025–2033.

Gutierrez, D., A. Sifeddine, D.B. Field, L. Ortlieb, G. Vargas, F.P. Chavez, F. Velazco, V. Ferreira, P. Tapia, R. Salvatteci, H. Boucher, M.C. Morales, J. Valdes, J.L. Reyss, A. Campusano, M. Boussafir, M. Mandeng-Yogo, M. Garcia, and T. Baumgartner. 2009. Rapid reorganization in ocean biogeochemistry off Peru towards the end of the little ice age. Biogeosciences, 6: 835–848.

Haley, P.J., Jr., P.F.J. Lermusiaux, A.R. Robinson, W. Leslie, O. Logoutov, G. Cossarini, X.S. Liang, P. Moreno, S.R. Ramp, J. Doyle, J.G. Bellingham, F.P. Chavez, and S. Johnston. 2009. Forecasting and reanalysis in the Monterey Bay/California current region for the Autonomous Ocean Sampling Network-II experiment. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 56: 127–148.

Hart, Q., M. Brugnach, B. Temesgen, C. Rueda, S.L. Ustin, and K. Frame. 2009. Daily reference evapotranspiration for California using satellite imagery and weather station measurement interpolation. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, 26: 19–33.

Harvey, J., and L.J. Goff. 2009. Genetic covariation of the marine fungal symbiont Haloguignardia irritans (Ascomycota, Pezizomycotina) with its algal hosts Cystoseira and Halidrys (Phaeophyceae, Fucales) along the west coast of North America. Mycological Research, 114: 82–95.

Haywood, A.J., C. Scholin, R. Marin III, K. Petrik, R. Pigg, M. Garrett, K.A. Steidinger, and C. Heil. 2009. Detection of Karenia brevis in Florida coastal waters using sandwich hybridization assays in two formats. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Molluscan Shellfish Safety.

Hester, K.C., E.T. Peltzer, P. Walz, R.M. Dunk, E.D. Sloan, and P. Brewer. 2009. A natural hydrate dissolution experiment on complex multi-component hydrates on the sea floor. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73: 6747–6756.

Holland, N.D., W.J. Jones, J.A. Ellena, H.A. Ruhl, and K.L. Smith Jr. 2009. A new deep-sea species of epibenthic acorn worm (Hemichordata, Enteropneusta). Zoosystema, 31: 333–346.

Huang, S., W. Abouchami, J. Blichert-Toft, D. Clague, B. Cousens, F.A. Frey, and M. Humayun. 2009. Ancient carbonate sedimentary signatures in the Hawaiian plume: Evidence from Mahukona Volcano, Hawaii. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 10: 1–30.

Huffard, C.L., B.A. Gentry, and D.W. Gentry. 2009. Description of the paralarvae of Wunderpus photogenicus Hochberg, Norman & Finn, 2006 (cephalopoda: octopodidae). Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 57: 109–112.

Jessup, D.A., M.A. Miller, J.P. Ryan, H.M. Nevis, H. Kerkering, A. Mekebri, D.B. Crane, T.A. Johnson, and R.M. Kudela. 2009. Mass stranding of marine birds caused by a surfactant-producing red tide. PLoS One, 4: e4550.

Johnson, K.S., W.M. Berelson, E.S. Boss, Z. Chase, H. Claustre, S.R. Emerson, N. Gruber, A. Körtzinger, M.J. Perry, and S.C. Riser. 2009. Observing biogeochemical cycles at global scales with profiling floats and gliders: Prospects for global array. Oceanography, 22: 216–225.

Johnston, T.M.S., O.M. Cheriton, J.T. Pennington, and F.P. Chavez. 2009. Thin phytoplankton layer formation at eddies, filaments, and fronts in a coastal upwelling zone. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 56: 246–259.

Kirkwood, W., E.T. Peltzer, J. Barry, and P. Brewer. 2009. Recent advances in FOCE technology: Building a better sea floor CO2 enrichment experiment. Proceedings of the Eleventh Pacific Science Inter-Congress of the Pacific Science Association.

Kirkwood, W., E.T. Peltzer, P. Walz, and P. Brewer. 2009. Cabled observatory technology for ocean acidification research. Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers/Oceans Engineering Society.

Kirkwood, W., M. Chaffey, E. Mellinger, D. Au, S. Etchemendy, and B. Robison. 2009. ROV Tiburon: An ocean research platform developed with an integrated science and engineering vision. Journal of Ocean Technology, 4: 16–30.

Leinweber, A., N. Gruber, H. Frenzel, G.E. Friederich, and F.P. Chavez. 2009. Diurnal carbon cycling in the surface ocean and lower atmosphere of Santa Monica Bay, California. Geophysical Research Letters, 36: 1–5.

Li, Q., D.M. Farmer, T.F. Duda, and S.R. Ramp. 2009. Acoustical measurement of nonlinear internal waves using the inverted echo sounder. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 26: 2228.

Lundsten, L., C.R. McClain, J.P. Barry, G.M. Cailliet, D. Clague, and A. DeVogelaere. 2009. Ichthyofauna on three seamounts off southern and central California, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 389: 223–232.

Lundsten, L., J.P. Barry, G.M. Caillet, D.A. Clague, A. DeVogelaere, and J.B. Geller. 2009. Benthic invertebrate communities on three seamounts off southern and central California, USA. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 374: 23–32.

Martz, T.R., H.W. Jannasch, and K.S. Johnson. 2009. Determination of carbonate ion concentration and inner sphere carbonate ion pairs in seawater by ultraviolet spectrophotometric titration. Marine Chemistry, 115: 145–154.

Matsumoto, G.I., E.A. Widder, L. Kuhnz, and E.H. Raymond. 2009. Challenges of the Deep: Survival at extreme depths. DVD narrated movie.

McCann, M., R. Puk, A. Hudson, R. Melton, and D. Brutzman. 2009. Proposed enhancements to the X3D geospatial component. Proceedings of the Web3D 2009 Fourteenth International Conference on 3D Web Technology.

McClain, C.R., L. Lundsten, M. Ream, J.P. Barry, and A. DeVogelaere. 2009. Endemicity, Biogeograhy, Composition, and Community Structure On a Northeast Pacific Seamount. PLoS ONE, 4: e4141.

McGann, C., F. Py, K. Rajan, and A.G. Olaya. 2009. Integrated planning and execution for robotic exploration. Proceedings of the Twenty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Pasadena, California, 14–17 July 2009.

McGill, P., A.D. Sherman, B. Hobson, R. Henthorn, and K.L. Smith Jr. 2009. Initial deployments of the Rover: An autonomous bottom-transecting instrument platform. Journal of Ocean Technology, 4: 54–70.

Meduna, D., S.M. Rock, and R. McEwen. 2009. AUV terrain relative navigation using coarse maps. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology, Durham, New Hampshire, 23–26 August 2009.

Messié, M., J. Ledesma, D.D. Kolber, R.P. Michisaki, D.G. Foley, and F.P. Chavez. 2009. Potential new production estimates in four eastern boundary upwelling ecosystems. Progress in Oceanography, 83: 151–158.

Moline, M.A., S.M. Blackwell, J.F. Case, S.H.D. Haddock, C.M. Herren, C.M. Orrico, and E. Terrill. 2009. Bioluminescence to reveal structure and interaction of coastal planktonic communities. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 56: 232–245.

Normark, W.R., C.K. Paull, D.W. Caress, W. Ussler III, and R. Sliter. 2009. Fine-scale relief related to late Holocene channel shifting within the floor of upper Redondo Fan Valley in San Pedro Basin, offshore southern California. Sedimentology, 56: 1690–1704.

O'Dor, R., J. Acosta, O.A. Bergstad, R. Brainard, J. Brattey, M. Canals, D. Costa, J.K. Horne, K. Iken, J. Kocik, B. Konar, J. Payne, C. Reid, W. Ussler III, D. Steinke, and E. Vanden Berge. 2009. Bringing life to ocean observation . Proceedings of OceansObs '09: Sustaining Ocean Observations and Information for Society, ESA Publication WPP-306.

O'Reilly, T., K. Headley, D.R. Edgington, C. Rueda, K. Lee, E. Song, C. Albrechts, J. del Rio, D. Toma, A. Manuel, E. Delory, C. Waldmann, S. Fairgrieve, L. Bermudez, E. Bridger, P. Bogden, and A. Amirault. 2009. Instrument interface standards for interoperable ocean sensor networks. Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers/Oceans Engineering Society, Biloxi, Mississippi, 26–29 October 2009.

Okubo, P., and D. Clague. 2009. Earthquakes. Encyclopedia of Islands, edited by R.G. Gillespie, D.A. Clague, 240-244. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009.

Paduan, J., D.W. Caress, D.A. Clague, C.K. Paull, and H. Thomas. 2009. High-resolution mapping of erosional, tectonic, and volcanic hazards using the MBARI mapping AUV. Rendiconti Online Società Geologica Italiana, 7: 181–186.

Paduan, J., D.W. Caress, D.A. Clague, C.K. Paull, and H. Thomas. 2009. High-resolution mapping of mass wasting, tectonic, and volcanic hazards using the MBARI mapping AUV. Proceedings of the International Conference on Seafloor Mapping and Geohazards Assessment.

Paull, C.K. Cold Seeps. In Encyclopedia of Islands, edited by R.G. Gillespie, D.A. Clague, 174–177. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009.

Paull, C.K., W. Ussler III, W.R. Normark, and R. Keaten. Tracking the dispersal of DDT residue-bearing sediments onto the floor of Santa Monica Basin. In Progress in Pesticides Research, edited by C.M. Kanzantzakis, 397–413. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2009.

Plant, J.N., K.S. Johnson, J.A. Needoba, and L.J. Coletti. 2009. NH4-Digiscan: An in situ and laboratory ammonium analyzer for estuarine, coastal and shelf waters. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 7: 144–156.

Preston, C.M., R. Marin III, S.D. Jensen, J. Feldman, J.M. Birch, E.I. Massion, E.F. DeLong, M. Suzuki, K. Wheeler, and C.A. Scholin. 2009. Near real-time, autonomous detection of marine bacterioplankton on a coastal mooring in Monterey Bay, California, using rRNA-targeted DNA probes. Environmental Microbiology, 11: 1168–1180.

Quinones, R.A., M.H. Gutierrez, G. Daneri, D. Gutierrez, H.E. Gonzalez, and F.P. Chavez. 2009. The Humboldt Current system. Carbon and Nutrient Fluxes in Continental Margins: 44–64.

Rago, T.A., R. Michisaki, B. Marinovic, M. Blum, and K. Whitaker. 2009. Physical, nutrient, and biological measurements of coastal waters off Central California in January 2009. Report of the Naval Postgraduate School.

Rago, T.A., R. Michisaki, B. Marinovic, M. Blum, and K. Whitaker. 2009. Physical, nutrient, and biological measurements of coastal waters off Central California in October 2008. Report of the Naval Postgraduate School.

Rajan, K., F. Py, C. McGann, J. Ryan, T. O'Reilly, T. Maughan, and B. Roman. 2009. Onboard adaptive control of AUV's using automated planning and execution. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology, Durham, New Hampshire, 23–26 August 2009.

Ramp, S.R., L.K. Rosenfeld, T.D. Tisch, and M.R. Hicks. 2009. Moored observations of the current and temperature structure over the continental slope off central California. Part I: A basic description of the variability. Journal of Geophysical Research.

Ramp, S.R., R.E. Davis, N.E. Leonard, I. Shulman, Y. Chao, A.R. Robinson, J. Marsden, P.F.J. Lermusiaux, D.M. Fratantoni, J.D. Paduan, F.P. Chavez, F.L. Bahr, X.S. Liang, W. Leslie, and Z. Li. 2009. Preparing to predict: The second Autonomous Ocean Sampling Network (AOSN-II) experiment in the Monterey Bay. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 56: 68–86.

Rehder, G., I. Leifer, P. Brewer, G.E. Friederich, and E.T. Peltzer. 2009. Controls on methane bubble dissolution inside and outside the hydrate stability field from open field experiments and numerical modeling. Marine Chemistry, 114: 19–30.

Reid, P.C., E. Lewis-Brown, A. Fischer, M. Meredith, M. Sparrow, A. Andersson, A. Antia, U. Bathman, G. Beaugrand, H. Brix, S. Dye, M. Edwards, T. Furevik, R. Gangstø, H. Hátún, R.R. Hopcroft, M. Kendall, S. Kasten, R. Keeling, C. LeQuéré, F.T. Mackenzie, G. Malin, C. Mauritzen, J. Ólafsson, C.K. Paull, E. Rignot, K. Shimada, M. Vogt, C. Wallace, Z. Wang, and R. Washington. 2009. Impacts of the oceans on climate change. Advances in Marine Biology, 56: 151.

Robison, B. 2009. Essay: Using submersibles to find life. Ocean: An Illustrated Atlas: 351.

Robison, B., and W.M. Hamner. Pocket basins, and deep-sea speciation. In Encyclopedia of Islands, edited by R.G. Gillespie, D.A. Clague, 755–757. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009.

Romanowicz, B., P. McGill, D. Neuhauser, and D. Dolenc. 2009. Acquiring real-time data from the broadband ocean bottom seismic observatory in Monterey Bay (MOBB). Seismological Research Letters, 80: 196–204.

Rose, J.M., Y. Feng, G. DiTullio, R. Dunbar, C.E. Hare, P. Lee, M. Lohan, M. Long, W.O. Smith Jr., B. Sohst, S. Tozzi, Y. Zhang, and D.A. Hutchins. 2009. Synergistic effects of iron and temperature on Antarctic plankton assemblages. Biogeosciences, 6: 3131–3147.

Rouse, G.W., N.G. Wilson, S.K. Goffredi, S.B. Johnson, T. Smart, C. Widmer, C.M. Young, and R.C. Vrijenhoek. 2009. Spawning and development in Osedax boneworms (Siboglinidae, Annelida). Marine Biology, 156: 395–405.

Rueda, C., L. Bermudez, and J. Fredericks. 2009. The MMI Ontology Registry and Repository: A portal for marine metadata interoperability. Proceedings of the Marine Technology Society / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Oceans Conference, Biloxi, Mississippi, 26–29 October 2009.

Ryan, J., A. Fischer, R.M. Kudela, J.F.R. Gower, S.A. King, R. Marin III, and F.P. Chavez. 2009. Influences of upwelling and downwelling winds on red tide bloom dynamics in Monterey Bay, California. Continental Shelf Research, 29: 785–795.

Sakamoto, C.M., K.S. Johnson, and L.J. Coletti. 2009. An improved algorithm for the computation of nitrate concentrations in seawater using an in situ ultraviolet spectrophotometer. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, 7: 132–143.

Scholin, C., G. Doucette, S. Jensen, B. Roman, D. Pargett, R. Marin III, C. Preston, W. Jones, J. Feldman, C. Everlove, A. Harris, N. Alvarado, E. Massion, J. Birch, D. Greenfield, R.C. Vrijenhoek, C. Mikulski, and K. Jones. 2009. Remote detection of marine microbes, small invertebrates, harmful algae and biotoxins using the Environmental Sample Processor (ESP). Oceanography, 22: 158–167.

Sedlacek, L., D. Thistle, K.R. Carman, J.W. Fleeger, and J.P. Barry. 2009. Effects of carbon dioxide on deep-sea harpacticoids revisited. Deep-Sea Research Part I, 56: 1018–1025.

Shadden, S.C., F. Lekien, J.D. Paduan, F.P. Chavez, and J. Marsden. 2009. The correlation between surface drifters and coherent structures based on high-frequency radar data in Monterey Bay. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 56: 161–172.

Sherman, A.D., and K.L. Smith Jr. 2009. Deep-sea benthic boundary layer communities and food supply: A long-term monitoring strategy. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 56: 1754–1762.

Shulman, I., C. Rowley, S. Anderson, S. DeRada, J. Kindle, P. Martin, J. Doyle, J. Cummings, S.R. Ramp, F.P. Chavez, D. Fratantoni, and R.E. Davis. 2009. Impact of glider data assimilation on the Monterey Bay model. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 56: 188–198.

Skikne, S.A., R.E. Sherlock, and B.H. Robison. 2009. Uptake of dissolved organic matter by ephyrae of two species of scyphomedusae. Journal of Plankton Research, 31: 1563–1570.

Smith Jr., K.L., H.A. Ruhl, B.J. Bett, D.S.M. Billett, R. Lampitt, and R.S. Kaufmann. 2009. Climate, carbon cycling and deep-ocean ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106: 19211–19218.

Smith Jr., W.O., S. Tozzi, A. Shields, J. Dreyer, J. Peloquin, and V. Asper. 2009. Interannual, seasonal, and event-scale variability in the Ross Sea. Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Newsletter, 2: 1–4.

Solomon, E.A., M. Kastner, C.G. Wheat, H. Jannasch, G. Robertson, E.E. Davis, and J.D. Morris. 2009. Long-term hydrogeochemical records in the oceanic basement and forarc prism at the Costa Rica subduction zone. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 282: 240–251.

Steinbuck, J., M.T. Stacey, M.A. McManus, O.M. Cheriton, and J.P. Ryan. 2009. Observations of turbulent mixing in a phytoplankton thin layer: Implications for formation, maintenance, and breakdown. Limnology and Oceanography, 54: 1353–1369.

Swift, H.F., W.M. Hamner, B.H. Robison, and L.P. Madin. 2009. Feeding behavior of the ctenophore Thalassocalyce inconstans: Revision of anatomy of the order Thalassocalycida. Marine Biology, 156: 1049–1056.

Takahashi, T., S.C. Sutherland, R. Wanninkhof, C. Sweeney, R.A. Feely, D.W. Chipman, B. Hales, G.E. Friederich, F.P. Chavez, C. Sabine, A. Watson, D.C.E. Bakker, U. Schuster, N. Metzl, H. Yoshikawa-Inoue, M. Ishii, T. Midorikawa, Y. Nojiri, A. Kortzinger, T. Steinhoff, M. Hoppema, J. Olafsson, T.S. Arnarson, B. Tilbrook, T. Johannessen, A. Olsen, R. Bellerby, C.S. Wong, B. Delille, N.R. Bates, and H.J.W. de Baar. 2009. Climatological mean and decadal change in surface ocean pCO2, and net sea-air CO2 flux over the global oceans. Deep-Sea Research Part I, 56: 2075–2076.

Vardaro, M.F., H.A. Ruhl, and K.L. Smith Jr. 2009. Climate variation, carbon flux, and bioturbation in the abyssal North Pacific. Limnology and Oceanography, 54: 2081–2088.

Vrijenhoek, R.C. 2009. Cryptic species, phenotypic plasticity, and complex life histories: Assessing deep-sea faunal diversity with molecular markers. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 56: 1713–1723.

Vrijenhoek, R.C. Hydrothermal vents. In Encyclopedia of Islands, edited by R.G. Gillespie, D.A. Clague, 424–427. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2009.

Vrijenhoek, R.C., and E.D. Parker. Geographical parthenogenesis, general purpose genotypes and frozen niche variation. Lost Sex: the Evolutionary Biology of Parthenogenesis, edited by I. Schön, K. Martens, P. van Dijk, 99–131. Dordrecht: Springer, 2009.

Webster, J.M., J.C. Braga, D. Clague, C. Gallup, J.R. Hein, D. Potts, W. Renema, R. Riding, K. Riker-Coleman, E. Silver, and L.M. Wallace. 2009. Coral reef evolution on rapidly subsiding margins. Global and Planetary Change, 66: 129–148.

Williams, G.C., and L. Lundsten. 2009. The nephtheid soft coral genus Gersemia (Marenzeller, 1878) with the description of a new species from the northeast Pacific and a review of two additional species (Octocorallia: Alcyonacea). Zoologische Mededelingen, 83: 1067–1081.

Woodson, C.B., L. Washburn, J.A. Barth, D.J. Hoover, A.R. Kirincich, M.A. McManus, J.P. Ryan, and J. Tyburczy. 2009. The northern Monterey Bay upwelling shadow front: Observations of a coastally and surface-trapped buoyant plume. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114: 1–15.

Worden, A. Z., J.H. Lee, T. Mock, P. Rouzé, M.P. Simmons, and A.L. Aerts. 2009. Green evolution and dynamic adaptations revealed by genomes of the marine picoeukaryotes Micromonas. Science, 324: 268–272.

Worden, A.Z., and D. McRose. 2009. The otherness of the oceans. Nature, 459: 166–167.

Zhang, J., Q. Hart, M. Gertz, C. Rueda, and J. Bergamini. 2009. Sensor data dissemination systems using web-based standards: A case study of publishing data in support of evapotranspiration models in California. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, 26: 35–52.

Zhang, X., K.C. Hester, O. Mancillas, E.T. Peltzer, P.M. Walz, and P.G. Brewer. 2009. Geochemistry of chemical weapon breakdown products on the seafloor: 1,4-Thioxane in sea water. Environmental Science & Technology, 43: 610–615.

Zhang, Y., R.S. McEwen, J. Ryan, and J.G. Bellingham. 2009. An adaptive triggering method for capturing peak samples in a thin phytoplankton layer by an autonomous underwater vehicle. Proceedings of the Marine Technology Society/Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Oceans Conference, Biloxi, Mississippi, 26–29 October 2009.


Barry, J.P., C. Lovera, C. Okuda, E. Nelson, and E. Pane. 2008. A gas-controlled aquarium system for ocean acidification studies. Proceedings of the Marine Technology Society / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Kobe Techno Ocean Meeting.

Bellingham, J.G. 2008. Powering robotic ocean observing systems. Lithium Mobile Power, Second Edition.

Bellingham, J.G., and M.A. Godin. 2008. Exploring ocean data. SIGMOD Record Jim Gray Tribute Issue, 37: 78–82.

Bellingham, J.G., E. Cokelet, and W.J. Kirkwood. 2008. Observation of warm water transport and mixing in the Arctic Basin with the ALTEX AUV. Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers / Oceanic Engineering Society AUV Conference.

Bertrand, A., F. Gerlotto, S. Bertrand, M. Gutiérrez, L. Alza, A. Chipollini, E. Diaz, P. Espinoza, L. Ledesma, R. Quesquén, S. Peraltilla, and F.P. Chavez. 2008. Schooling behaviour and environmental forcing in relation to anchoveta distribution: An analysis across multiple spatial scales. Progress in Oceanography, 79: 264–277.

Bograd, S.J., C.G. Castro, E. Di Lorenzo, D.M. Palacios, H. Bailey, W. Gilly, and F.P. Chavez. 2008. Oxygen declines and the shoaling of the hypoxic boundary in the California Current. Geophysical Research Letters, 35: 1–6.

Booth, J.A.T., H.A. Ruhl, L.L. Lovell, and K.L. Smith Jr. 2008. Size frequency dynamics of northeast Pacific abyssal ophiuroids (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea). Marine Biology, 154: 933–941.

Brewer, P.G., and J.P. Barry. 2008. The other CO2 problem. Scientific American: Special Edition Earth 3.0: 22–23.

Brewer, P.G., and N. Nakayama. 2008. What lies beneath: A plea for complete information. Environmental Science and Technology, 42: 1394–1399.

Buck, K.R., F.P. Chavez, and A.S. Davis. 2008. Minidiscus trioculatus, a small diatom with a large presence in the upwelling systems of central California. Nova Hedwigia Beiheft, 133: 1–6.

Buesseler, K.O., S. Doney, D.M. Karl, P.W. Boyd, K. Caldeira, F. Chai, K.H. Coale, H.J.W. de Baar, P. Falkowski, K.S. Johnson, R. Lampitt, A. Michaels, W. Naqvi, V. Smetacek, S. Takeda, and A. Watson. 2008. Ocean iron fertilization—moving forward in a sea of uncertainty. Science, 319: 162.

Burton, E.J., and L. Lundsten. 2008. Davidson Seamount Taxonomic Guide. Marine Sanctuaries Conservation Series ONMS-08-08: 145.

Caress, D.W., and D.N. Chayes. 2008. MB-System Version 5.1.1. Open source software distributed from the MBARI and L-DEO web sites, 5.1.1.