Data Central and Northern California Ocean Observing System (CeNCOOS) CeNCOOS is a collaborative that enables coastal measurements, model forecasts, and integrated products to inform decisions about our regional ocean
Data Coordinated Canyon Experiment (CCE) Data Report The CCE was an extensive long-term effort to monitor the passage of sediment gravity flows at multiple locations simultaneously
Data Deep-Sea Guide The Deep-Sea Guide provides access to the MBARI’s database of millions of records of deep-sea animals, seafloor habitats, geological features, and research tools
Data ESP Data The ESP provides in situ collection and analysis of water samples from the subsurface ocean
Data FathomNet Database FathomNet is a publicly available database that makes use of existing (and future), expertly curated data from several sources
Data Global Modes of Sea Surface Temperature Data from a century-long EOF analysis of global sea surface temperature
Data Krill Hotspots in the California Current Data from a NASA-funded project that combined remote sensing products, ecosystem models and in situ data to investigate zooplankton hotspots
Data M1 Mooring Real Time Plots Near real time data from the M1 mooring which is located near the mouth of Monterey Bay in roughly 1,000 meters of water
Data Monterey Bay Coordinated Canyon Experiment (CCE) Repeat Mapping Bathymetry Data from repeat, high-resolution, multibeam, bathymetric surveys of the Monterey Canyon floor with MBARI’s mapping AUVs
Data Monterey Bay Time Series Data Graphs of core properties from shipboard CTD bottle (BCTD) and profiling (PCTD) samples taken in Monterey Bay, from 1989-Present
Data Nitrate Supply Estimates in Upwelling Systems Data from seasonal nitrate supply that was computed in the four major Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUS): California, Peru, Northwest Africa, and Benguela
Data Ocean Acidification 1 (OA1) Mooring Data from the OA1 mooring, located just offshore of Hopkins Marine Station and the Monterey Bay Aquarium
Data Ocean Acidification 2 (OA 2) Mooring Data from the OA2 mooring that was initially deployed near Terrace Point then was moved to Año Nuevo
Data Ocean Float Data Viz Data from ISUS nitrate sensors and Deep-Sea DuraFET pH sensors in Webb Research Apex or Sea-Bird Electronics Navis profiling floats
Data Passive Acoustic Data MBARI makes its acoustic data sets available through a partnership with Amazon Web Services (AWS).
Data Seafloor Mapping Database The Seafloor Mapping Database (SMDB) provides access to MBARI's entire mapping data archive
Data SOCCOM Float Data An interactive map that shows current locations and trajectories of SOCCOM biogeochemical floats and provides links to real-time raw and quality-controlled float data
Data SOCCOM Viz Data visualization for SOCCOM, a US NSF sponsored project focused on carbon and climate in the Southern Ocean
Data Soundscape Visual Browser MBARI's audio recordings have been translated into visual representations as spectrograms, which can be viewed hour-by-hour, day-by-day
Data Spatial Temporal Oceanographic Query System (STOQS) Data STOQS is open-source software that provides new capabilities for scientists to gain insight from oceanographic data
Data Wave Glider Sparky Real Time Data Plots Data from MBARI's Wave Glider named Sparky which is an autonomous surface vehicle
Data Wave Glider Tiny Real Time Data Plots Data from MBARI's Wave Glider named Tiny which is an autonomous surface vehicle
Data What’s Happening in Monterey Bay Today Check out MBARI's ODSS which provides real-time feedback of research activity in Monterey Bay