Expedition Log


Midwater Ecology Expedition Fall 2019 – Log 4

The word from Captain George Gunther was that we might have a short dive Tuesday due to deteriorating weather. This was seconded by the modern sailor’s favorite tool, But first thing in the morning, the winds were light and we began our dive at 6:30 a.m., as always, feeling optimistic and excited about what …

Expedition Log


Midwater Ecology Expedition Fall 2019 – Log 3

Kat Bolstad It is wonderful to be back at sea. I’ve had the honor of sailing with the Western Flyer crew several times before, but not since 2015 (life and small children have happened in the meantime), so it’s great to be back aboard. And this cruise has gotten off to a wonderfully squiddy start for me—I lead …

Expedition Log


Midwater Ecology Expedition Fall 2019 – Log 2

Updates from researchers on the R/V Western Flyer: Sunday, November 17, 2019 Astrid Leitner We started out at our deep dive location just outside Monterey Bay on Saturday. We dove all the way to the bottom to about 3,000 meters (9,800 feet) where we deployed Henk-Jan and Stella’s bait package and filled up the Midwater Respirometry …

Expedition Log


Midwater Ecology Expedition Fall 2019 – Log 1

We departed Moss Landing on Friday heading out to our first dive location on the south side of Monterey Canyon. The weather and sea conditions were pretty calm making for a nice beginning to our seven-day expedition. There are a lot of different objectives for this week but, luckily, the science team is flexible and …



Glowing to the bottom

MBARI researchers recently found that animals living on the deep seafloor are much less likely to produce light than those swimming or drifting in the “midwater.”



Climate change and the ocean

Climate change has serious, long-term, and far-reaching negative consequences for our ocean. We present facts and resources to learn about climate change and the ocean.



When the humpbacks sing

A new study shows how the amount of humpback song in Monterey Bay varies over days, months, and even years.

Expedition Log


Bioinspiration Expedition 2019 – Log 5

Alison Sweeney I have been invited along on this expedition as a guest with Kakani’s group, from my biophysics lab at Yale University. Kakani’s group is interested in mechanical bioinspiration—how do very small animals move through water? The answers are often very counterintuitive. In my case, I am interested in optical bioinspiration, where life’s solutions …

Expedition Log


Bioinspiration Expedition 2019 – Log 4

  Hi, I’m Joost Daniels and I’m a research tech in the Bioinspiration Group. In true Bioinspiration fashion, my main job on this week-long cruise consists of two parts: bringing the lab to the ocean, and bringing the ocean to the lab. For the former, we’ve brought our DeepPIV instrument along, mounted on the remotely …



Pockmarks and pingos, part II

A new research paper by MBARI and Taiwanese researchers shows how mysterious hills and pits may have formed in the deep seafloor off Taiwan.