

Instruments used in the Coordinated Canyon Experiment

Submarine canyons are notoriously difficult to study because underwater avalanches periodically surge down the bottoms of many canyons, often burying or destroying scientific instruments. After more than a decade of placing (and sometimes losing) equipment in Monterey Canyon, MBARI researchers have created a unique new tool to study canyon processes.

Behind the Scenes


Finding Opisthoteuthis

Last Thursday, MBARI Postdoctoral Fellow Stephanie Bush and her team from the Monterey Bay Aquarium went to sea aboard the R/V Rachel Carson in Monterey Bay. They were on a mission to collect octopuses in the genus Opisthoteuthis to be used for species description and display at the aquarium.



Bristle worms get their turn

An amazing variety of bristle worms thrive in the ocean, both on the seafloor and up in the water column. Here are some examples of the bizarre and wonderful polychaetes that MBARI researchers have seen in the ocean depths.



MBARI celebrates Cephalopod Week

For the second year in a row, MBARI has partnered with the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Science Friday, the American Museum of Natural History, and other groups to present a wonderful array of cephalopod images and videos as part of "Cephalopod Week."

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 7 – Seafloor Faults – Log 5

A well-oiled machine Susan von Thun writes: Over the last 10 days, we got into a very efficient groove that required coordination of everyone onboard the Western Flyer. We conducted two ROV dives each day, collecting as many cores as we can, given the time we have on the seafloor. This means that after the morning …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 7 – Seafloor Faults – Log 4

Mysterious rock mounds Susan von Thun writes: Today we explored the San Clemente Fault Bank (see map) and were intrigued by what we found. Along the fault, we found a vast expanse of rock mounds made of some kind of precipitated mineral. The mounds formed in areas where chemicals seeping through the seafloor met with …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 7 – Seafloor Faults – Log 3

Fault system off northern Baja California Eve Lundsten and Susan von Thun write: Today we explored another section of the fault system off northern Baja California that had been previously mapped with MBARI’s AUV. The AUV mapping surveys were conducted in areas where Chief Scientist Charlie Paull suspected that faults are present. With these one-meter-resolution …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 7 – Seafloor Faults – Log 2

Understanding offshore faults Aaron Micallef writes: Offshore faults are important sources of earthquakes and associated tsunamis. To investigate the occurrence of offshore faults, marine geologists look for two kinds of evidence. The first is topographic, such as a linear escarpment (an elongated change in slope gradient) or abrupt changes in the form and orientation of …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 7 – Seafloor Faults – Log 1

Sampling sediment at Coronado Canyon On this expedition we are exploring the offshore extensions of tectonic faults that cross the northern Baja California peninsula or run offshore parallel to the Baja peninsula and coastline of Southern California. These faults are believed to be part of a system of faults that extends northward, crossing the U.S.-Mexico …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 6 – Vents and Seeps – Log 9

Rich biodiversity at Pescadero Basin Yossellin Tapia De la O writes: Today we returned to Pescadero Basin, which is, undoubtedly, an exceptional place that we had to revisit with its active chimneys and mounds, and the rich biodiversity they nourish. During the survey with the ROV, we were often very close to colonies of Riftia or Oasisia, and …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 6 – Vents and Seeps – Log 8

Returning to hydrothermal vents at Pescadero Basin Bob Vrijenhoek writes: Today we finished the last dive of Leg 6. It was a productive day and it started somewhat auspiciously. The wind was blowing close to 20 knots at 6:00 a.m., just before launch time. Would it increase or decrease during the next half hour? Luckily for …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 6 – Vents and Seeps – Log 7

Vesicomyid clams Elena Krylova writes: Vesicomyid clams are conspicuous and consistent members of hydrothermal vent and hydrocarbon seep communities worldwide. Nevertheless, they remain one of the most poorly understood bivalves. Two vesicomyid species were described from the Gulf of California by the American mollusc expert William Healey Dall more than 100 years ago. Those clams …



Vampire squid live long and reproduce often

Female squid, octopuses, and cuttlefish end life with a bang. Usually, these soft-bodied cephalopods die after a single, end-of-life reproductive blaze of glory. But scientists have recently learned that one deep-red, foot-long cephalopod breaks this deadly pattern.

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 6 – Vents and Seeps – Log 6

Vent communities at Alarcón Rise and Glitter Lake Kris Walz writes: Today is Earth Day, a perfect day to be afloat on the surface of the ocean, exploring the deep-sea communities thousands of meters below. Over 70 percent of Earth’s surface is covered by oceans making the seafloor one of the world’s largest habitats. Covering …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 6 – Vents and Seeps – Log 5

Hydrothermal vents at Alarcón Rise Corinna Breusing writes: 6 a.m.: Time to get up to watch the launch of the ROV Doc Ricketts in 30 minutes. It will take about 1.5 hours for the ROV to reach the seafloor and allow us to take another glimpse at the mysterious world of deep-sea vents in the Gulf of California. …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 6 – Vents and Seeps – Log 4

Plumes of black smoke Shannon Johnson: Today was an amazing day of exploration and discovery at one of the most exciting natural habitats of the deep sea—black smokers. We explored enormous hydrothermal vent chimneys, majestic columns eight to 37 meters tall, emitting voluminous plumes of black smoke. The chimneys were covered with dense thickets of …

Expedition Log


Gulf of California 2015, Leg 6 – Vents and Seeps – Log 3

Mounds and chimneys in Pescadero Basin Greg Rouse writes: Today we returned to Pescadero Basin to continue exploring the active mounds and chimneys in the area at 3,700 meters depth and to document and collect various animals. These biological collections are important as they will allow us to compare vent systems further south on the …