Expedition Log


Ocean Imaging Expedition – Log 5

A team effort Nancy Barr The work completed this week will be very helpful for Scientist Charlie Paull as he plans his Western Flyer expedition scheduled for next month. Paull’s team will be collecting instruments placed in the canyon for the Coordinated Canyon Experiment, and will collect samples at key locations in the canyon. The …

Expedition Log


Ocean Imaging Expedition – Log 4

Seeing fine details in the deep sea Nancy Barr Images created from two days of surveying an extensive clam field in Monterey Canyon are impressive for their level of detail—especially when you remember that these pictures are coming from more than 2,800 meters deep (about 1.7 miles) in the ocean. The surveys answered some science …



16,000 hours beneath the sea (and counting)

MBARI’s remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Ventana completed its 4,000th dive in February 2017. With over 16,000 hours underwater, Ventana is by far the most experienced scientific ROV in the world.

Expedition Log


Ocean Imaging Expedition – Log 3

Clams as far as they can see Nancy Barr When the ROV Doc Ricketts arrived at an extensive clam bed deep in Monterey Canyon this morning, it was soon evident that things had not changed drastically since the last time the site was mapped by David Caress and his team. That answered the first question …

Expedition Log


Ocean Imaging Expedition – Log 2

Taking in the big picture Nancy Barr While it has long been possible to capture video and still images in the deep sea, most cameras used at depth have a very limited field of view and—unless the water is perfectly clear—must be very close to their subject matter. The stereo cameras used in this week’s …

Expedition Log


Ocean Imaging Expedition – Log 1

The first survey Nancy Barr The first low-altitude survey of this expedition centered on an area surrounding an instrument node located about 30 kilometers offshore at a depth of 1,850 meters in Monterey Canyon. Here’s how it works: Four systems record data as the ROV runs a preprogrammed path across a 100-meter-square section of the …

Behind the Scenes, News


MBARI researcher wins project-of-the-year award

The US Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program recently selected one of Kelly Benoit-Bird’s research as its Resource Conservation and Climate Change Project of the Year.



The curious eyes of the cockeyed squid

New research findings highlight a unique visual adaptation in a deep-sea squid, the cockeyed squid, which has eyes that are grossly different in size and structure.

Behind the Scenes


Buried at sea

During a study to learn how sediments flow through submarine canyons, a one-ton monitoring device on the seafloor was swept down Monterey Canyon and partially buried—twice in one year.

Behind the Scenes


Pineapple Express Delivery

Last week researchers working onboard the R/V Rachel Carson received a surprise visitor—a handsome seabird called a brown booby. Brown boobies are usually associated with warm tropical waters. This bird was far from home!

Press Release


MBARI’s seafloor maps provide new information about 2015 eruption at Axial Seamount

Axial Seamount, a large underwater volcano off of the Oregon coast, is one of the most active volcanoes in the world, having last erupted in 2015. At the Fall 2016 meeting of the American Geophysical Union, MBARI researchers unveiled a new seafloor map that reveals previously undocumented lava flows from the 2015 eruption.



The pointy-nosed blue chimaera really gets around

An unusual deep-sea fish that was previously identified in the Southeastern Pacific has recently been found to live around the Hawaiian Islands and off the coast of Central California as well.