Behind the Scenes


Speeding up sound sampling

Sound may be weightless, but echosounders aren’t. To study Monterey Bay’s ecology, Scientist Kelly Benoit-Bird uses an echosounder with five different transducers, weighing about 165 pounds.

Expedition Log


Deep-Sea Eukaryotic Life 2017 Expedition – Log 3

David Needham Today Co-Chief Scientists Sebastian Sudek and Charmaine Yung directed the ROV Doc Ricketts to observe and collect deep-sea benthic invertebrates, such as sponges and corals, at the Davidson Seamount so we can study their microbiomes. Today we also accomplished the deepest deployment ever of the in situ ultraviolet spectrophotometer (ISUS), a sensor developed …

Expedition Log


Deep-Sea Eukaryotic Life 2017 Expedition – Log 2

David Needham One of our goals today was to find and sample a large phytoplankton bloom to study phytoplankton and bacterial associations. Although blooms often occur in the spring, they can be hard to predict, and the ocean doesn’t give its secrets away easily! Fortunately, we identified a large bloom using observations from satellite chlorophyll …

Expedition Log


Deep-Sea Eukaryotic Life 2017 Expedition – Log 1

David Needham The first day and a half of our cruise was busy and exciting. After an initial delay of six hours due to rough seas and strong winds, we had a successful deployment of the ROV Doc Ricketts aboard the R/V Western Flyer. With the help of the robotic arms of the ROV and the …

Expedition Log


CANON Spring 2017 Expedition – Log 3

The importance of eDNA Meilina Dalit Today we repeated yesterday’s activities of coordinating simultaneous sampling from the R/V Western Flyer (CTD casts), the Reuben Lasker (midwater trawls), and LRAUV Aku (Environmental Sample Processor sampling). While LRAUV Aku is autonomously collecting samples with a third-generation Environmental Sample Processor (ESP), Research Specialist Kevan Yamahara is also archiving …

Expedition Log


CANON Spring 2017 Expedition – Log 2

Meeting the Reuben Lasker Meilina Dalit This is an expedition with many moving parts, and today we added the R/V Reuben Lasker, a NOAA ship, into the mix. We rendezvoused with the ship at an offshore upwelling front (the boundary between cold, nutrient-rich upwelled water and warmer offshore water) that was identified by our fleet …

Expedition Log


CANON Spring 2017 Expedition – Log 1

Using sound to locate prey Meilina Dalit Despite the early call time of 4:30 a.m., spirits were pleasant the morning of the first day of the expedition. With a great weather forecast for the next couple of days, there was little to complain about other than wishing for another hour of sleep. The R/V Western …

Behind the Scenes


M1 mooring turnaround

MBARI’s M1 mooring is an important data collection station that floats above the seafloor in Monterey Bay continuously taking a variety of measurements to give researchers a clear picture of oceanographic conditions.