Expedition Log


Pelagic-Benthic Coupling 2018 Expedition

How much carbon makes it to the deep sea? The Pelagic-Benthic Coupling Group at MBARI runs a long-term time-series study at a site called Station M, 200 kilometers off the coast of Santa Barbara, California. Our goal is to understand the supply of carbon—in the form of sinking organic matter (e.g., pieces of dead organisms, …



Market squid tell a tale of two krill

MBARI researcher Steve Litvin is investigating the feeding habits of juvenile market squid in changing ocean conditions. It's a tale of two krill.

Behind the Scenes


MBARI vessel to reduce emissions with new engines

The diesel engines on MBARI’s research vessel Rachel Carson were recently replaced with new Caterpillar engines under a grant from California’s Carl Moyer Memorial Air Quality Standards Attainment Program.

Behind the Scenes


MBARI submersible makes one thousandth dive

Remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Doc Ricketts completed its one thousandth dive on December 21, 2017, marking a significant milestone for the vehicle and its team of pilots.