MBARI and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation celebrate a lasting legacy for ocean exploration All life on Earth depends on a healthy ocean, but our ocean faces a rising tide of threats from human actions. MBARI’s mission is to advance marine science and technology to understand our changing ocean. Our work is made possible by the generous support of The David and Lucile Packard Foundation. As the Packard Foundation marks its 60th anniversary this year, MBARI celebrates our primary funder’s long-standing commitment to ocean exploration and conservation.“MBARI’s founder David Packard had a bold vision for ocean exploration that leveraged tech innovation to push the boundaries of science. We’re honored to have the continued support of the Packard Foundation to carry on his legacy,” said MBARI President and CEO Chris Scholin. “With the global ocean at a critical crossroads, MBARI’s work is more important than ever. Thanks to David Packard’s forward-thinking vision, we can provide the much-needed research, technology, and data to help inform decision-making about the ocean and its resources.”MBARI was founded in 1987 by Silicon Valley innovator and philanthropist David Packard. MBARI’s work is made possible thanks to the ongoing support of the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. Image: © MBARIShortly after the Packard family funded the creation of the Monterey Bay Aquarium, David Packard recognized the need for a separate research institution focused on developing innovative technologies for exploring and understanding the ocean. David Packard founded MBARI in 1987 to establish a new type of oceanographic institution—one where scientists and engineers worked side-by-side. Each year, the Packard Foundation provides MBARI with funding to cover 75 percent of the institute’s annual budget. Since MBARI’s founding, the Packard Foundation has contributed more than $1 billion to the institute.For more than three decades, MBARI has focused on developing new technologies and approaches to overcome the barriers that have historically limited our ability to access and explore the sea. Technological innovation taking place here at MBARI is helping to transform ocean exploration. We embrace the need to apply our expertise toward addressing pressing global challenges, including combating climate change and advancing sustainable marine resource management. MBARI is working toward a future where the ocean is healthy and resilient and our home-grown technology is scaled globally to monitor and predict ecosystem changes. Together with our education and conservation partner, the Monterey Bay Aquarium, and the Packard Foundation, we work to advance sustainable ocean stewardship.Read more about MBARI’s close partnership with the Packard Foundation.For additional information or images relating to this article, please email Share Like this? Share it! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedIn Share on Email