Marine Algae and the Mystery of Dissolved Oxygen! Students will access and interpret near real time marine data of dissolved oxygen to determine if their predictions are supported by real-world evidence.Earth has finite resources, and as a result, matter recycles throughout the world by biogeochemical cycles. The Carbon/Oxygen Cycle is a biogeochemical cycle that is driven by photosynthesis and cellular respiration. As a result of organisms performing these two processes, levels of dissolved oxygen (DO) change within water columns. Inspired by the information available via the Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI), this lesson will focus on the the impact of photosynthesis on the DO levels.The students will propose what plants need in order to perform photosynthesis. Based upon the discussed information, the students will conduct experiments using a chemical indicator of carbon dioxide, Bromothymol blue (BTB) solution. Then, students will access and interpret near real time marine data of dissolved oxygen to determine if their predictions are supported by real-world evidence. After 48 hours of sitting, students will return to their BTB solution lab setup to evaluate their results and determine if their predictions were supported by the real-world data and their results. Topics Biogeochemistry AuthorsKate Russo Teacher ResourcesLesson PlanHow do Matter and Energy Flow During Photosynthesis? [Answer Key] Student ResourcesHow do Matter and Energy Flow During Photosynthesis? [Student Worksheet] Additional ResourcesOcean Observatories Initiative (OOI) – data from the research array network of buoys from OOI.National Estuarine Research Reserve System Centralized Data Management Office – data are from estuaries around the U.S. and the Great Lakes. Please note that data in marine estuary locales will reflect tidal variations in data that other data sources do not seem to reflect.Water Quality Monitoring in New Jersey Estuaries using Data Loggers – background information on how data are collected in NJ estuaries.NOAA’s National Ocean Service Education: Estuaries – background on the data that are collected within water columns.NJDEP DWM&S Continuous Data Monitoring Program – water quality data from NJ freshwater and marine locations.I2 Strategy by BCBS – an aid for identifying and interpreting components of graphs.NSTA CER Webinar – an aid for implementing Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning as a means of engaging in an argument from evidence.Screencast-o-matic – a FREE downloadable screencasting program that can be used to make videos of what is on your screen. Next Generation Science StandardsCrosscutting ConceptsEnergy and matterStructure and functionCore IdeasPS3.B: Conservation of Energy and Energy TransferLS1.C: Organization for Matter and Energy Flow in OrganismsPracticesPlanning and carrying out investigationsAnalyzing and interpreting data, Engaging in argument from evidence Ocean Literacy Fundamental Concepts4.A: Most of the oxygen in the atmosphere originally came from the activities of photosynthetic organisms in the ocean.