Glass secrets hidden in deep Written by: Natalia Llopis Monferrer (MSCA postdoctoral fellow) A scanning electron microscope image of T. similis, a phaeodarian species. Image: Natalia Llopis Monferrer © 2023 MBARI Nearly one year ago, I began my latest scientific adventure. I could almost say I started from scratch—a new lab, a new team, and a shiny new project to tackle with many new skills that needed to be learned. During my Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellowship at MBARI, I am working on siliceous Rhizaria, those lovely single-celled protists that stole my scientific heart during my PhD. But what makes siliceous Rhizaria so special? Well, they can be found at all latitudes and depths, and although they are unicellular, they are capable of forming glass skeletons that display an astonishing diversity of shapes. And it is precisely in the silicification process that I put much of my energy into. I dig into the available genetic data and even create new data to uncover the genes involved in this complex process. In addition, I can witness first-hand the spectacle of their skeletons and cellular structures using various microscopy methods. Before arriving here, even though I knew these organisms existed in the deep ocean, I never imagined that I would be so thrilled about spotting them over 500 meters below the surface. Using MBARI remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and working with ROV pilots, engineers, and researchers has given me the rare and unique opportunity to observe these astounding organisms in their habitat and collect them (almost) intact to conduct experiments. During my period here, I have had the chance to participate in numerous research cruises. Although I am an oceanographer with a slight touch of seasickness, it is always a nice experience. Natalia attaching detritus samplers to ROV Ventana before a dive. Image: Colleen Durkin © 2023 MBARI When they mentioned our first cruise destination was Monterey Accelerated Research System (MARS)—MBARI’s deep-sea observatory 900 meters below the surface of Monterey Bay—I had no clue that watching the screens and witnessing the live footage from the ROV cameras would feel like being an astronaut exploring an alien planet. Except, with more water and fewer aliens, unless you count those fascinating deep creatures. MARS, the name of the cabled observatory in the Monterey Canyon, could not be more fitting! Phaeodarian colony collected in a detritus sampler and recovered onboard the ship. Image: Colleen Durkin © 2023 MBARI Every sampling opportunity contributes to our understanding of these mysterious protists. For example, they may construct their skeletons in the same way diatoms do. This project is a collaboration with the Carbon Flux Ecology team, along with Steve Haddock and Lynne Christianson. We could not do this without the talented pilots of ROV Ventana. And I cannot fail to mention Emily C. Mitchell, the artist behind the scenes. While I was busy with the microscope or at the computer, Emily was wielding pencils and brushes to combine all forms of imaging and create illustrations with all the nooks and crannies and beautiful details! A phaeodarian colony inside a roller tank in the Carbon Flux Ecology lab. Image: Colleen Durkin © 2023 MBARI After recovering ROV Ventana, Natalia removes the phaeodarians from the detritus sampler containers. Image: Colleen Durkin © 2023 MBARI Share Like this? Share it! Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedIn Share on Email
Natalia Llopis Monferrer Postdoctoral Collaborator Colleen Durkin Scientist Steven Haddock Senior Scientist/Marine Biologist Lynne Christianson Senior Research Technician Sebastian Sudek Senior Research Specialist