MBARI makes our images and video available for education and outreach. We have a small team and limited resources to support the numerous requests we receive—we prioritize news media and productions that focus specifically on MBARI research and technology, and support projects that align our strategic education and outreach goals.

Requests are reviewed in the order in which they were submitted. Please do not submit requests by phone or email—additional outreach will not expedite a reply. We try to respond to time-sensitive requests from news media within 24 hours. Depending on our team’s current capacity, stock photo and video requests may require up to two weeks for review. MBARI may decline requests for projects that don’t align with our strategic education and outreach goals or if our team doesn’t have capacity at this time.

MBARI reserves the right to charge a licensing fee for use of our images and video. These fees cover the administrative costs associated with photo and video research and management. Proceeds from our licensing fees fund MBARI’s efforts to cultivate a new, and inclusive, generation of ocean explorers.

If you’re unable to submit a media request form or have any questions, you may email

Submit a request

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Working title for article, production, exhibit, etc.
Briefly describe your project, including subject focus, target audience, distribution method, etc.
Name of publication, TV program, website, or museum/aquarium in which article/image/video will appear
Destination media type
Type(s) of media in which article/image/video will appear
Will your project describe MBARI research?(Required)
Will MBARI research be mentioned directly in the text, script, or voiceover, in addition to any credit lines provided for MBARI media?

Products or services requested(Required)
Please list or describe images/video being requested, including web or social media links if appropriate
Note: We typically require at least two weeks of lead time for image requests and four weeks of lead time for video requests and location shoots. We try to respond to time-sensitive requests from news media within 24 hours.
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Name of publisher, production group, or organization to which materials will be licensed
Is this a for-profit organization?