Ilia BorromeoInvestigating the Impacts of Different Diets on Adult Bolinopsis microptera Fecundity and Spawning.
Haylee Bregoffno paper submitted
Saloni Dangreno paper submitted
Mille ElsborgThe Life of a Polyp: Reproduction in the Deep-sea Coral Isidella.
Kayleigh JonesBGC-Argo float recordings of the upper ocean  response to El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phases. – paper to be submitted for publication
Gavin LeboClassification of Deep-Sea Benthos Using Semi-Supervised Learning and the Low Altitude Survey System (LASS). 
Lila Luthyno paper submitted
Forrest MilnerBidirectional Communications via Argos Satellite Radio.  
Ishani Narwankarno paper submitted 
Steven Patrickno paper submitted
Emma RileyLEGO Goes to Sea: increasing accessibility in ocean science and engineering via kinesthetic modeling.
Bernardo RussomanoUpper Ocean Response to Southwestern Atlantic Atmospheric Cyclones. (Paper to be submitted for publication)
Fiona Ryanno paper submitted
Jonathan SiskindAn Inertial Current Meter System for Coastline Avoidance Aboard a Profiling Float.
Suzanne StathatosFrom sound to sight: A self-supervised approach to finding marine mammals in Monterey Bay. (paper to be submitted for publication)
Elaine SteinbergSinking Marine Particles: The Eukaryotic Groups Shaping Compositional Variability and Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) Flux Dynamics.
Kathryn van Lingenno paper submitted
Karl VentayenDevelopment of Robust Software Aboard the Coastal Profiling Float.
Reyna Ayala Characterizing a moderately priced IMU to determine viability for Coastal Profiling Float drift mitigation.
Varshani Brabaharan Evaluating domain adaptation for underwater image analysis.
Sallie Corbin Facilitating GO-BGC data access for educators.
Caroline Edmonds Seasonality of the Deep-Sea.
Nicholas Grijalva Using dynamic localization for the docking of underwater autonomous vehicles (UAVs).
Samarth Jayadev Analysis of filtration performance for the Environmental Sample Processor. 
Jasmin Juarez-Gonzalez Effects of current and future upwelling on red abalone larval development and survivorship.
Nicole Kaiser Advice and Recommendations for Sizing Large Siphonophores with Photogrammetry
Kira Kaplan Observing siphonophores: Documenting behavior using machine learning.
Parker Lund An eDNA assessment of pelagic community composition in Northern California.
Lila Luthy MBARI SciComm: A deep dive into TikTok.
Sabrina Fonseca Pereira Recognizing the unknown: open world object detection in the deep sea.
Yareliz Quintana-Almodóvar Effect of temperature on growth and survival of Nanomia bijuga (Cnidaria; Hydrozoa; Siphonophora).
Joel Rodich Scalable and Sustainable 3D positioning systems. 
Shovan Shakya No paper submitted
Tarun Sharma Making use of unlabeled data: Comparing strategies for marine animal detection in long-tailed datasets using self-supervised and semi-supervised pre-training. 
Lael Wakamatsu Exploring toxic algal blooms and plankton community structure using a simple mechanistic model. (Paper in preparation)
Grace AhnThe effects of changing ocean and climate conditions on pyrosome carbon transport to the abyssal seafloor. [Paper in preparation]
Lyndsey ClaassenWintertime phytoplankton community composition with clustered water bodies using an AUV dataset. [Paper in preparation]
Sachithma EdirisingheInvestigating the ecology of carbon flux in the water column using a semi-supervised particle classification approach. 
George FabianDeveloping methods for quantifying the contribution of organic carbon in total alkalinity. 
Emma FlatteryMapping and characterizing the faunal community structure of Sur Ridge.
Roy GilboaCoastal profiling float drop weight. 
Manuel GozziHyperparameter evolution for deepsea detection and tracking. 
Dylan HyunAnimating the RV David Packard‘s maiden voyage.
Manaal IqbalInvestigating seasonal variability of Northern anchovy age structure in Monterey Bay, California. 
Emma KellerExploring drivers of Northern anchovy abundance using an eDNA time series. 
Claire LinExpediting motion analysis with deep learning. 
Luke NajarianProgramming design and performance evaluation of a new seawater nitrate and nitrite analyzer.
Olivia O’LaughlinBioRaman: Shedding a new light on deep-sea biota. [Paper in preparation]
Frank PerezThe design and implementation of Lagrangian drifters for shallow water coastal ecosystems. 
Amber PhillipsAdopt-A-Float program benefits scientific community and beyond.
Tim PlayerAccelerating multi-AUV behavior development with faster-than-realtime simulation. [Paper in preparation]
Grant SandersonTemporal and spatial biological variability in Monterey Bay from AUV eDNA samples.
S. SantillanThe effects of deep-sea mining on midwater organisms: a basis for methodology and further study.
Grace AhnThe effects of changing ocean and climate conditions on pyrosome carbon transport to the abyssal seafloor. [Paper in preparation]
Lyndsey ClaassenCharacterizing water bodies in Monterey Bay using Dorado AUV time-series data. [Paper in preparation]
Amanda GannonSnapshots of Sur Ridge: Shedding new light on a deep sea oasis through time lapse photography.
Adam GibbsDeveloping a regional neural network framework to accurately predict ocean pH using glider observations in Central California.
Stephen HuieEstimating primary productivity from diel measurements of oxygen and pH from autonomous gliders.
Katherine IrvingBridging the gap: using Science Communication to build empathy and understanding for an imperiled ocean.
Alexandrea MaciasDaily krill dynamics on the canyon edge. [Paper in preparation]
Emma MonsonOutreach and resource development for GO-BGC’s Adopt-A-Float program
Mackenzie PerilloTemporal examination of the daily and seasonal occurrence of the blue whale A-call in relation to the blue whale B-call in the central Pacific Ocean.
Ethan RamseyThe search for viruses in ctenophore genomes.
Meagan ReasonerSimulink Model Validation: Numerical modeling of the MBARI Wave Energy Converter.
Emma RossoUsing eDNA to observe how marine life responds to changing ocean conditions in Monterey Bay, California
Giovanna SainzMachine learning facilitates the study of gelatinous zooplankton, Benthocodon pedunculata, abundance over six years in the Northeast Pacific abyssal plain.
Yohan SequeiraDeepStereo: A low cost flexible midwater camera system. [Paper submitted]
Katherine TinsmanDesigning a deep sea device to determine if feeding sounds attract scavenging organisms.
Nicholas TrautmanExploring the relationship between zooplankton and climate in the California Current system.
Lael WakamatsuCan zooplankton grazing induce toxic algal blooms in Monterey Bay? [Paper in preparation]
Peyton LeeCreating benchmarks for deep-sea creature detection and tracking models.
Tatjana EllisDetecting “clicks” in hydrophone data and classification using machine learning.
Brooke PaukenVisualizations of deep-sea flows using light field imaging data.
Jill AlexanderCalculating velocities using stereo cameras and optical flow.
Bruno LopezCharacterization of the phytoplankton phenology in the subarctic Pacific.
Ally MorrisTesting the fidelity of global biogeochemical algorithms in the California Current System to study carbon cycling.
Anna HughesCharacterizing changes in upwelling dynamics under anthropogenic climate change with Spray underwater gliders.
Addie NorgaardUsing gliders to study air-sea CO2 flux in an upwelling region.
José EyzaguirreStereo camera calibration analysis for seafloor mapping.
Sierra GarciaWhat makes it stick? Deep-sea fauna awareness and engagement from a social media giveaway campaign.
Francesca AlatorreJellywatch: Examining the physical drivers behind on-shore Velella jellyfish sightings through citizen science.
Lyndsey ClaassenRevealing the Monterey Bay upwelling shadow front using Dorado AUV time-series data. (paper in preparation for publication)
Tina NguyenCharacterization and analysis of ctenophore morphology.
Brooke HaleGlobal coherency of light as a primary driver for coral reef metabolism. (paper in preparation for publication)
Luke DorrianEvaluating the VN-100 IMU/AHRS as an inertial current meter in coastal profiling floats.
Olivia BoeberitzNucleotides to rorquals: Delineating humpback whale distribution with eDNA.
Raksha DoddabelePrototyping a rapid bioinformatics pipeline for eDNA processing.
Madison PickettExploring coherence metric for optimizing topic models of humpback song.
Kristina SamborskiObserving Molidae through eDNA.