Logo for Ocean Visions

Brad Ack and David Koweek
Ocean Visions (www.oceanvisions.org)

This talk will provide an introduction to Ocean Visions, a relatively new organization working through a collaborative partnership to advance a new agenda for solutions at the ocean-climate nexus.
With a range of partners including MBARI, Ocean Visions works on a “Four R” agenda to abate the ocean-climate crisis:

Reduce:  Developing ocean-based pathways to a low carbon economy
Remove: Advancing ocean-based pathways to a cleaning up legacy CO2 pollution
Repair/Regenerate: Researching interventions to repair critical marine ecosystems and avoid dangerous tipping points
Reach: Building a global community of solvers and makers

The talk will also feature how MBARI and OV can work together and where the entry points are for interested people.


October 4, 2023


11:00-12:00 Pacific Time


7700 Sandholdt Road
Moss Landing, CA 95039

Seminar link on Vimeo

This seminar is now available on Vimeo