EARTH 2023 Featured Image

The 2023 workshop will be held July 10-14, 2023 in Honolulu, HI, co-hosted by the USGS Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center (PI-CASC), a collaborative partnership between the US Geological Survey and a university consortium hosted by the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, with the University of Hawaiʻi at Hilo and the University of Guam, designed to support sustainability and climate adaptation in communities across the Pacific Islands.

During this workshop, educators will work with active researchers to explore current science and research projects that demonstrate the use of float data, and topics that relate to climate change and other stressors impacting the region’s natural and cultural resources. The educators are given time to develop their own curricula using the knowledge from these explorations and their own experiences to create classroom lessons tied to the abilities of their own students as well as current education standards and pedagogy. The teachers also develop connections with each other and with the researchers that can assist them in expanding their classroom reach across the country.

Applications for 2023 are now closed

Why Attend the EARTH 2023 Workshop?

Teachers involved in this EARTH workshop will:

  • Cultivate relationships with local researchers and like-minded educators that can lead to future collaborations
  • Explore available resources from supporting organizations, such as PICASC and MBARI, and develop institutional connections that can aid in future lessons
  • Participate in field experiences at institutions that highlight local culture, watershed management, and coastal and marine research.
  • Receive a Certificate of Participation that provides evidence of 40 hours of professional development that can be used toward continuing education or certificate renewal
  • Develop new curriculum resources that use real science and authentic data to teach science content and process and address their needs and the needs of their students

Application Process

We strive to maximize engagement between workshop participants and the scientists who participate, and ensure that educators are able to work together in a variety of ways throughout the workshop. Because of this, we only have a limited number of spots available in each EARTH workshop and applications are required. The application process is outlined below. Workshop costs, including housing and food, are covered for all participants, and each participant will receive a travel allowance.

Applications for 2023 are now CLOSED. All application materials as outlined below had to be completed and submitted by February 14, 2023 at 0800 PST for consideration for the 2023 workshop.

Application Requirements

  1. Complete the online EARTH Workshop Application form and submit any additional resources as appropriate. Be sure your answers to the questions clearly express your experience, background, and/or interest in the topic of using real-time data in your educational environment. Any supporting materials can be emailed to
  2. Before attending the EARTH Workshop, participants are required to try out one (or more) EARTH lesson in your classroom or institution, complete the online feedback rubric, and be prepared to discuss your experience teaching the lesson and present any adaptations, modifications, or extensions that were made for your audience. We are especially interested in feedback from our more recent lessons (such as the ones developed at the 2022 or 2018 workshops) so we can update, revise, and publish them. We understand that it’s not always possible to schedule the activity before the application deadline, so if you are unable to complete a lesson before submitting your application, please indicate which lesson you will be using and ensure that you complete it by the workshop.

Returning teachers who have previously participated in an EARTH Workshop can make their application stronger by demonstrating a commitment to mentoring colleagues (hosting an in-service or EARTH Satellite workshop in your area), enhancing the EARTH resources (testing out Lessons in Development and providing extensive feedback or new resources to enrich our website), or disseminating EARTH content (presenting about EARTH at a meeting or conference). Please contact us if you have any questions about the application process.


July 10 - 14, 2023


University of Hawaiʻi
Honolulu, HI


Lesson Plans

A Big Wave Surf Mystery

Students look at maps and make predictions for a mystery event. They then compare and contrast data from the event to the current date.

Hurricane Hunters

Students will collect and evaluate hurricane information from multiple sources, then communicate their learning through student created videos.

Why are Coral Reefs so Stressed Out?

Coral reefs are bleaching due to climate change. Students investigate why the coral is bleaching & how to differentiate between healthy coral and bleached coral.


EARTH 2023 participants at the NOAA Inouye Regional Center


Jennifer Magnusson

EARTH / GO-BGC Outreach Editor, MBARI

Heather Kerkering

Acting Deputy Director, Science Coordinator, USGS Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center

Sea Level Rise AR Visualizer—uses augmented reality (AR) technology to create a virtual model of Pu‘uhonua o Hōnaunau National Historical Park and allows you to explore how sea level rise will affect this important site in Hawaiian culture and history.
Apple iOS | Android

CASC Project Explorer—Discover regional and national climate science

Emily Sesno is a green field

Emily Sesno

Outreach Biologist, USGS Pacific Islands Climate Adaptation Science Center

Ryan Longman

Ryan Longman

Oceania Research Fellow, East-West Center

Presentation Slides

Hawaii Climate Data Portal 

Pacific Drought Knowledge Exchange

Climate Fact Sheets

Climate Portfolios—Watershed/School Specific


Alyssa Anderson

Alyssa Anderson

Extension Specialist, Hawaiʻi Sea Grant and Pacific Drought Knowledge Exchange

Presentation Slides

  • Kahua Aʻo—A Learning Foundation: Transforming Scientific Practices through Teacher Leadership provides a model for place-based professional development that sustains indigenous languages and knowledge.”
  • Papakilo Database—Office of Hawaiian Affairs database of historical Hawaiian language newspapers
  • Ulukau—Resource for Hawaiian language and knowledge
  • Hawaiian Dictionary
  • Translated Hawaiian Newspapers—Translations of selected geoscience related newspaper articles, Institute of Hawaiian Language Research and Translation

John Marra

Pacific Region Climate Services Director, NOAA NCEI Regional Climate Services Director, Pacific Region

Jim Potemra


Leon Geschwind

Education and Outreach Specialist, NOAA

  • NOAA Pacific Islands Region School Visits—Check out the closest NOAA facility in the Pacific Islands Region to you for tours and/or school visits.
  • Science on a Sphere—See Earth in a way you have never seen it before! Science On a Sphere ® (SOS) is a room-sized, global display system that uses computers and video projectors to display planetary data onto a six-foot diameter sphere. Imagine a giant animated globe with a fascinating visual display of all types of data that helps illustrate Earth science.
  • PacIOOS Voyager—Voyager is an interactive map interface for visualizing and downloading multi-layered oceanographic observations, forecasts, and other geospatial data and information related to the marine environment and beyond. The current geography includes the entire Pacific Islands region.
  • NOAA Sea Level Rise Viewer—View projected sea level rise at any coastal location up to 6 feet of inundation from flooding, hurricane storm surge, high tides.
  • Historical Hurricane Tracks—Search historical hurricanes by location, name, year, zipe code, or basin
  • Hawai’i and Pacific Islands King Tides Project—We need your help to document today’s high water level events, also known as King Tides, to better understand tomorrow’s impacts from sea-level rise and other coastal hazards

Eric Lau

Chief, Environmental Scientific & Services Division (ESSD), NOAA National Weather Service Pacific Region Headquarters

Camryn Allen

Research Marine Biologist, NOAA Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center
Protected Species / Marine Turtle Biology and Assessment Program

Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center

Sea Turtles – is the future female?

Honu Count—You can help NOAA track Hawaiian green sea turtles (honu) by reporting the location where you see turtles with white alpha-numeric markings on their shells. Become a citizen scientist and contribute to a valuable source of data for sea turtles in Hawai‘i! | Honu Count Flyer

Scot Izuka

Hydrologist, USGS Pacific Islands Water Science Center

Heidi Kane

Hydrologist, USGS Pacific Islands Water Science Center

Kaleonani Hurley

Postdoctoral Scholar, He‘eia National Estuarine Research Reserve

Madeleine Sherman

Project Manager, Coral Resilience Lab, Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology

Chris Suchocki with a large coral

Chris Suchocki

Coral Nursery Manager, ToBo Lab/HIMB

Additional Resources

Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS®)—Each of the Integrated Ocean Observing Systems across the nation (including Pacific Islands and the Caribbean) have data exploration tools. Go here to find your region of interest and keep digging!

Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON)—GOA-ON is a collaborative international network to detect and understand the drivers of ocean acidification in estuarine-coastal-open ocean environments, the resulting impacts on marine ecosystems, and to make the information available to optimize modelling studies.

Lost Cities: A Story of Coral—An interactive journey into the hidden lives of corals and the surprising ways their world—and fate—is interwoven with ours.

Animal Telemetry Network—integrates oceanographic data with animal tracking and hosts a data portal

Hō Mai Ka Pono—​Ka‘Anani‘Au • Traditional Understandings of Time and Place